Programa de urbanização e os desafios para integração da favela à cidade - avanços e descompassos de uma política pública em Osasco-SP (2005-2016)
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Rubio, Viviane Manzione
Alvim, Angélica Aparecida Tanus Benatti
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Membros da banca
Rubano, Lizete Maria
Castro, Luiz Guilherme Rivera de
Pasternak, Suzana
Raposo, Isabel Ortins de Simões
Castro, Luiz Guilherme Rivera de
Pasternak, Suzana
Raposo, Isabel Ortins de Simões
Arquitetura e Urbanismo
This thesis approaches the challenges, advances and the unsteadiness faced by the municipal
public power of the Brazilian cities, in the implementation of programs that urbanize favelas.
The goal of this study is the housing policy implemented in Osasco. County located in the west
portion of the metropolitan region of Sao Paulo, in the period between 2005 and 2016. The
favela is known in its contemporaneity as part of the city, not only in Brazil, but also in several
countries of the world, despite its distinct denomination and configuration. Currently is
understood that favelas in Brazil are the result of the process and application of inadequate
models of urbanization and the absence of implementation, along the last decades of effective
urban public policy and housing in the cities. Is consider that after the promulgation of the
Federal Constitution – FC in 1988, of the public policies for the confrontation of precariousness
and irregularity in the city, gain a larger prominence, and the programs of housing in favelas
are included in the agendas planning in numeral counties of the country. The program of
urbanizing favelas is consider as an important strategy to balance the cities and an instrument
for the fulfilment of its social purpose, offering his habitants the right to the city. In the year
2000 innumerable counties, stood out in the reorganization of the administrative structure and
in formatting the programs to perform in an integrated form and integral in favelas, supported
in the instruments of the FC and regulated by the City Association – CA, Federal Law
10.257/2001. Since 2007, with the creation of the Programa de Aceleração do Crescimento –
PAC, the Programs of Urbanization of favelas are impelled. In Osasco since 2005, the city hall
in an unedited act since the emancipation, implement the Housing Policy, creating the Program
‘’Bairro Novo’’ and its subprograms. Despite the investment and the strong act of the county in
the confrontation of precariousness and occupation of the soil in the city, in 2012 verifies a
new increase of occupations and the amplification of those urbanized slums. Analyzing the
process of the implementation and the act of the Integral Urbanized Slums Program (Programa
de Urbanização Integral de Favelas), in five favelas (‘’Colinas D’Oeste’’, ‘’Portais’’, ‘’Morro do
Sabão’’, ‘’Vicentina’’ e ‘’BK’’) received resources from the Growth Acceleration Program.
Pretending to appoint the challenges faced, the advances reached and the unsteadiness that
appeared during and after the interventions in Osasco. The related data and the observed
actual conditions in the urbanized favelas in Osasco, appoint the necessity of revisiting the
formats for a higher reach of this program. The studied cases reunite the data and the light of
the proposed methodology for its analysis, presenting recommendations of the necessity of
deepening in the identification acting limits, of a post evaluation and to continuity by the public
power, the process of urbanization of favelas. Emphasizing the necessity to promote the
integration of its agents, as well as a bigger participation of the population in the process,
auxiliary in the guarantee of the maintenance of the urbanized conquered.
favela , constituição federal , estatuto da cidade , políticas públicas , programa de urbanização
Assuntos Scopus
RUBIO, Viviane Manzione. Programa de urbanização e os desafios para integração da favela à cidade - avanços e descompassos de uma política pública em Osasco-SP (2005-2016). 2017. 483 f. Tese( Arquitetura e Urbanismo) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo.