A responsabilidade civil dos planos de saúde nas recusas indevidas de cobertura de tratamento médico
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Lima, João Pedro Nery de
Corrêa, Márcia Maria de Barros
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O presente trabalho busca, por meio de uma breve análise histórica e dos diplomas legais
vigentes, elucidar um pouco mais acerca da responsabilidade civil envolvendo os planos de
saúde suplementar no Brasil em razão das negativas indevidas de cobertura de tratamento
médico. Assim, são analisados em conjunto a Lei dos Planos de Saúde, o Código Civil e o
Código de Defesa do Consumidor, através da delimitação constitucional do uso da saúde
suplementar no Brasil, criada pela Constituição Federal de 1988, que cooperou diretamente no
auxílio dos contratantes desse serviço quanto à sua utilização e a promoção seus direitos frente
às grandes empresas que, por fim, em certas hipóteses, pode gerar o dever ressarcitório por
parte dos planos de saúde em razão de práticas não condizentes com o que se espera.
This present paper search, through a previous historic review and the current legal codes, clear a little bit more about the civil responsibility in the private health plans in Brazil because of the undue refuses of medical treatment. Therefore, it will be analysed together the Health insurance law, the Civil Code and the Consumer Protection Code, through the constitutional delimitation of the use of supplementary health in Brazil, created by the Federal Constitution of 1988, that benefited clients of this service about their use and the promotion of their rights against big companies, and, what, sometimes, could create the necessity to the plans refund de consumer because of bad practices
This present paper search, through a previous historic review and the current legal codes, clear a little bit more about the civil responsibility in the private health plans in Brazil because of the undue refuses of medical treatment. Therefore, it will be analysed together the Health insurance law, the Civil Code and the Consumer Protection Code, through the constitutional delimitation of the use of supplementary health in Brazil, created by the Federal Constitution of 1988, that benefited clients of this service about their use and the promotion of their rights against big companies, and, what, sometimes, could create the necessity to the plans refund de consumer because of bad practices
responsabilidade civil , planos de saúde , recusa indevida , código de defesa do consumidor