A intervenção de terceiros no processo de licenciamento ambiental
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Pereira, Tainá Espúrio
Almeida, Maria Cecília Ladeira de
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A presente dissertação tem como objetivo principal verificar os efeitos causados pela
intervenção dos terceiros interessados no processo de licenciamento ambiental. Para isso optou se pela escolha de dois órgãos intervenientes de extrema relevância nacional: o ICMBio e a
FUNAI. A análise buscou descrever sobre a função desses órgãos, o modo de atuação, seus
objetivos, e especificamente como se dá a intervenção no processo de licenciamento ambiental:
a necessidade de participação; o trâmite processual; as atividades e empreendimentos que
demandam essa atuação; a problemática da vinculação das manifestações no licenciamento; os
conflitos envolvidos; os efeitos e os motivos que interferem nesse cenário. A pesquisa foi
desenvolvida por meio de revisão bibliográfica e documental, onde baseou-se em pesquisa de
doutrina, legislação, e artigos científicos para abordagem completa do tema. Por fim, concluiu se que o papel dos intervenientes é fundamental para o bom desempenho do licenciamento
ambiental e o alcance do desenvolvimento sustentável, porém carece de muitas falhas,
provenientes de diversas vertentes. A intensa judicialização dos processos, órgãos ambientais
sucateados, interesses políticos e particulares, cultura paternalista do Estado brasileiro, ausência
de trabalho técnico qualificado, a morosidade administrativa, são apenas alguns dos problemas
infindáveis que rodeiam essa questão. É certo que o modo com essa intervenção ocorre não é
saudável nem para economia, nem para as sociedades vulneráveis e muito menos para o meio
ambiente, em consequência, com o tripé do desenvolvimento comprometido, a lógica fica
reversa e a tutela ambiental em grande perigo.
The main objective of this dissertation is to verify the effects caused by the intervention of interested third parties in the environmental licensing process. For this, it was decided to choose two intervening bodies of extreme national relevance: ICMBio and FUNAI. The analysis sought to describe the role of these bodies, the mode of action, their objectives, and specifically how the intervention in the environmental licensing process takes place: the need for participation; the procedural process; the activities and undertakings that demand this performance; the problem of linking demonstrations in licensing, the conflicts involved; the effects and reasons that interfere in this scenario. The research was developed through bibliographic and documentary review, where it was based on research of doctrine, legislation, and scientific articles for a complete approach to the theme. Finally, it was concluded that the role of the actors is fundamental for the good performance of environmental licensing and the achievement of sustainable development, but it lacks many flaws, arising from different aspects. The intense judicialization of lawsuits, scrapped environmental bodies, political and private interests, the paternalistic culture of the Brazilian State, the absence of qualified technical work, administrative slowness, are just some of the endless problems that surround this issue. It is true that the way in which this intervention occurs is not healthy for the economy or for vulnerable societies, much less for the environment. Consequently, with the development tripod compromised, the logic is reversed, and environmental protection is in great danger.
The main objective of this dissertation is to verify the effects caused by the intervention of interested third parties in the environmental licensing process. For this, it was decided to choose two intervening bodies of extreme national relevance: ICMBio and FUNAI. The analysis sought to describe the role of these bodies, the mode of action, their objectives, and specifically how the intervention in the environmental licensing process takes place: the need for participation; the procedural process; the activities and undertakings that demand this performance; the problem of linking demonstrations in licensing, the conflicts involved; the effects and reasons that interfere in this scenario. The research was developed through bibliographic and documentary review, where it was based on research of doctrine, legislation, and scientific articles for a complete approach to the theme. Finally, it was concluded that the role of the actors is fundamental for the good performance of environmental licensing and the achievement of sustainable development, but it lacks many flaws, arising from different aspects. The intense judicialization of lawsuits, scrapped environmental bodies, political and private interests, the paternalistic culture of the Brazilian State, the absence of qualified technical work, administrative slowness, are just some of the endless problems that surround this issue. It is true that the way in which this intervention occurs is not healthy for the economy or for vulnerable societies, much less for the environment. Consequently, with the development tripod compromised, the logic is reversed, and environmental protection is in great danger.
licenciamento ambiental , intervenientes , desenvolvimento sustentável , environmental licensing , stakeholders , sustainable development