A cidade e o samba : territorialidade e produção cultural
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Cabral, Igor Augusto Costa
Claro, Mauro
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A cidade e o samba é um trabalho que busca fazer um registro de história do urbanismo de São Paulo, mas sob um plano de fundo informal de pesquisa através da arte popular brasileira, especificamente o samba. São três as formas de recorte para encontrar um método que cumpra estes objetivos, o primeiro é o tempo que marca o período do mais vertiginoso crescimento urbano de uma cidade brasileira, a virada do século XIX para XX. O segundo é o espaço, que não se limita aos lugares comuns contados na história tradicional da cidade, mas do impacto das mudanças urbanas da cidade nas comunidades negras, oriundas de uma sociedade que anteriormente era escravizada. O terceiro plano e mais importante são as pessoas, os sambistas e de que maneira registram através da arte popular aquela cidade onde moram e de que maneiras são vistas. A pesquisa segue uma narrativa cronológica e traça um fio condutor paralelo entre as ações urbanas, políticas públicas e os movimentos de cultura popular sejam informais como as rodas de samba ou formais como nas agremiações carnavalescas. Busco as raízes da formação da população da cidade de São Paulo, com destaque para a aglomeração do povo negro liberto e seu intercâmbio cultural para recompor sua coletividade durante a escravidão e após a abolição. Outro paralelo está diretamente ligado a ocupação dos espaços públicos na cidade, a pesquisa se desenvolve através da linguagem textual histórica, das letras de música dos sambas, mas para cumprir o objetivo direto de demonstrar o espaço usa as ferramentas comuns do urbanismo entre documentos e mapas.
The city and the samba is a work that seeks to make a history record of São Paulo urbanism, but under an informal background of research through Brazilian popular art, specifically samba. The first is the time that marks the period of the most vertiginous urban growth of a Brazilian city, the turn of the XIX century to XX. The second is the space, which is not limited to the common places told in the traditional history of the city, but the impact of urban changes of the city on the black communities, from a society that was previously enslaved. The third and most important plan is the people, the sambistas and how they register through popular art that city where they live and in what ways they are seen. The research follows a chronological narrative and draws a parallel thread between urban actions, public policies and popular culture movements are informal as the samba or formal wheels as in carnival associations. I look for the roots of the formation of the population of the city of São Paulo, with emphasis on the agglomeration of the liberated black people and their cultural exchange to recompose their collectivity during slavery and after the abolition. Another parallel is directly related to the occupation of public spaces in the city, the research develops through the historical textual language, the lyrics of sambas music, but to fulfill the direct objective of demonstrating space uses the common tools of urbanism between documents and maps.
The city and the samba is a work that seeks to make a history record of São Paulo urbanism, but under an informal background of research through Brazilian popular art, specifically samba. The first is the time that marks the period of the most vertiginous urban growth of a Brazilian city, the turn of the XIX century to XX. The second is the space, which is not limited to the common places told in the traditional history of the city, but the impact of urban changes of the city on the black communities, from a society that was previously enslaved. The third and most important plan is the people, the sambistas and how they register through popular art that city where they live and in what ways they are seen. The research follows a chronological narrative and draws a parallel thread between urban actions, public policies and popular culture movements are informal as the samba or formal wheels as in carnival associations. I look for the roots of the formation of the population of the city of São Paulo, with emphasis on the agglomeration of the liberated black people and their cultural exchange to recompose their collectivity during slavery and after the abolition. Another parallel is directly related to the occupation of public spaces in the city, the research develops through the historical textual language, the lyrics of sambas music, but to fulfill the direct objective of demonstrating space uses the common tools of urbanism between documents and maps.
cidade , samba , urbanismo , território , cultura