A responsabilização do procurador de empresa e acionista estrangeiro no âmbito da justiça do trabalho
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Junior Alves Arcanjo, Aldo
Siqueira Neto, José Francisco
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O papel exercido pelo procurador de empresa estrangeira, ou de acionistas que residem no exterior, tem se tornado cada vez mais relevante para o desenvolvimento da atividade econômica e, consequentemente, para o Direito, sobretudo para o Direito do Trabalho. Neste espeque, é oportuno frisar que o procurador é imprescindível ao estabelecimento de sociedades estrangeiras no território brasileiro, por expressa determinação legal. Apesar da função exercida pelo procurador ser eminentemente representativa, é possível constatar algumas decisões judiciais no âmbito da Justiça do Trabalho que estendem a responsabilidade da sociedade empresária ao seu respectivo procurador. Em decorrência, procuradores de empresa, procuradores de sócios e até mesmo ex-procuradores de sócios estão tendo suas contas correntes bloqueadas por causa de obrigações de empresas inadimplentes. O que agrava ainda mais a situação é que este redirecionamento tem sido efetuado sem que haja prova (nem mesmo indício) da ocorrência de atos ilícito doloso ou culposo por parte do procurador. Os efeitos destes entendimentos judiciais, sobretudo na primeira instância da Justiça do Trabalho, são substanciais e possuem grande potencial de minar o desenvolvimento econômico brasileiro. Além disso, por trás de cada manifestação, está-se criando um regime de responsabilidade objetiva do procurador por dívidas da sociedade empresária. Este regime, absolutamente excêntrico, não encontra amparo na legislação pátria; afronta diretamente princípios basilares do Direito, como o da segurança jurídica, livre iniciativa, contraditório e devido processo legal; e, por fim, cria distorções deletérias tanto no sistema jurídico quanto na atividade econômica do país. Deste modo, a incumbência do presente trabalho consiste numa análise detida acerca da responsabilização do procurador no âmbito da Justiça do Trabalho.
The functions exercised by the atttorney-in-law of a foreign company, or by its shareholders residing abroad, has become increasingly relevant for the development of economic activity and, consequently, for the Law – especially, the Labor Law. In this regard, it is worth mentioning that the proxy-in-fact is essential to the establishment of foreign companies in Brazilian territory, due to express legal determination. Although the role exercised by this subject is eminently representative, it is possible to note some judicial decisions within the scope of the Labor Court that extend the responsibility of the company to its respective proxy. As a result, company attorneys, partner attorneys and even former partner attorneys are having their current accounts blocked because of defaulting company obligations. What further aggravates the situation is that this conjuncture has been carried out without any evidence (not even a trace) of the occurrence of intentional or wrongful acts by this representatives. The effects of these judicial understandings, especially in the first instance of the brazilian Labor Courts, are substantial and have great potential to undermine Brazilian economic development. Furthermore, behind each demonstration, a system of strict liability of the attorney-in-fact for debts of the company is being also created. This regime, as it will be shown, is absolutely eccentric and not supported by national legislation: in fact, it directly opposes fundamental principles of law, such as legal certainty, free enterprise, contradictory and due legal process - creating harmful distortions both in the legal system and in the country's economic activity. With this regards, the main goal of this essay consists of a careful analysis about the accountability of the legal proxies in the ambit of Labor Justice.
The functions exercised by the atttorney-in-law of a foreign company, or by its shareholders residing abroad, has become increasingly relevant for the development of economic activity and, consequently, for the Law – especially, the Labor Law. In this regard, it is worth mentioning that the proxy-in-fact is essential to the establishment of foreign companies in Brazilian territory, due to express legal determination. Although the role exercised by this subject is eminently representative, it is possible to note some judicial decisions within the scope of the Labor Court that extend the responsibility of the company to its respective proxy. As a result, company attorneys, partner attorneys and even former partner attorneys are having their current accounts blocked because of defaulting company obligations. What further aggravates the situation is that this conjuncture has been carried out without any evidence (not even a trace) of the occurrence of intentional or wrongful acts by this representatives. The effects of these judicial understandings, especially in the first instance of the brazilian Labor Courts, are substantial and have great potential to undermine Brazilian economic development. Furthermore, behind each demonstration, a system of strict liability of the attorney-in-fact for debts of the company is being also created. This regime, as it will be shown, is absolutely eccentric and not supported by national legislation: in fact, it directly opposes fundamental principles of law, such as legal certainty, free enterprise, contradictory and due legal process - creating harmful distortions both in the legal system and in the country's economic activity. With this regards, the main goal of this essay consists of a careful analysis about the accountability of the legal proxies in the ambit of Labor Justice.
responsabilização , procurador , justiça do trabalho , accountability , proxies , labor justice