A responsabilidade civil do médico na prática da ortotanásia perante o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro
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Zilenovski, Pedro Gabriel Berger
Bortolai Junior, Orlando
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O presente Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (TCC) destina-se a analisar e entender, sob ótica do Direito Civil, porém, inevitavelmente também do Direito Constitucional, como o Ordenamento Jurídico Brasileiro se comporta perante a prática médica da ortotanásia e se é possível a responsabilização do médico que à realiza, na esfera cível. Para tal, foram utilizadas as metodologias de pesquisa básica, em seu objetivo, explicativa no sentido de que buscou relacionar a prática da ortotanásia pelo médico com a responsabilidade civil, de modo a tentar entender se o exercício da primeira pode acarretar a incidência segunda, além de, secundariamente, explicar outros efeitos que a ortotanásia pode gerar juridicamente, através da análise de dados já existentes na legislação e jurisprudência. Em relação ao procedimento, a pesquisa foi realizada de forma bibliográfica, isto é, através da leitura e análise da legislação existente, principalmente a Constituição Federal de 1988, o Código Civil de 2002 e o Código de Defesa do Consumidor de 1990, além da jurisprudência de Tribunais, de resoluções expedidas pelo CFM, livros e artigos que podem dispor posicionamentos diferentes ou semelhantes em relação ao tema. Em relação à abordagem, a pesquisa seguiu a linha qualitativa, visto se tratar de tema relativamente novo e que detém de escassa legislação a respeito, além de envolver aspectos sociais e religiosos, não podendo ser analisado meramente por dados, estes que ainda são poucos devido ao pouco tempo da regulamentação da prática no país pelo CFM. Por fim, o método utilizado para alcançar a conclusão foi o dedutivo, analisando o material disponível sobre a ortotanásia e a Responsabilidade Civil do médico no Ordenamento Jurídico Brasileiro, concluindo relacionando ambos.
The present Course Completion Work is intended to analyze and understand, from the point of view of Civil Law, but inevitably also of Constitutional Law, how the Brazilian Legal System faces the medical practice of orthothanasia and if it is possible to make responsible the doctor who performs it, in the civil sphere. To this end, basic research methodologies were used, in their objective, explanatory in the sense that it sought to relate the practice of orthothanasia by the doctor with civil liability, in order to try to understand if the exercise of the first can lead to the second incidence, in addition to, secondarily, explain other effects that orthothanasia can generate legally, through the analysis of existing data in legislation and jurisprudence. Regarding the procedure, the research was carried out in a bibliographic way, that is, through the reading and analysis of the existing legislation, mainly the Federal Constitution of 1988, the Civil Code of 2002 and the Consumer Defense Code of 1990, in addition to the jurisprudence of Courts, resolutions issued by the Federal Council of Medicine, books and articles that may have different or similar positions on the subject. Regarding the approach, the research followed the qualitative line, since it is a relatively new topic that has little legislation about it, in addition to involving social and religious aspects, and cannot be analyzed merely by data, which are still few due to the short time of the regulation of the practice in the country by the Federal Council of Medicine. Finally, the method used to reach the conclusion was the deductive one, analyzing the available material on orthothanasia and the physician's Civil Liability in the Brazilian Legal System, concluding by relating both.
The present Course Completion Work is intended to analyze and understand, from the point of view of Civil Law, but inevitably also of Constitutional Law, how the Brazilian Legal System faces the medical practice of orthothanasia and if it is possible to make responsible the doctor who performs it, in the civil sphere. To this end, basic research methodologies were used, in their objective, explanatory in the sense that it sought to relate the practice of orthothanasia by the doctor with civil liability, in order to try to understand if the exercise of the first can lead to the second incidence, in addition to, secondarily, explain other effects that orthothanasia can generate legally, through the analysis of existing data in legislation and jurisprudence. Regarding the procedure, the research was carried out in a bibliographic way, that is, through the reading and analysis of the existing legislation, mainly the Federal Constitution of 1988, the Civil Code of 2002 and the Consumer Defense Code of 1990, in addition to the jurisprudence of Courts, resolutions issued by the Federal Council of Medicine, books and articles that may have different or similar positions on the subject. Regarding the approach, the research followed the qualitative line, since it is a relatively new topic that has little legislation about it, in addition to involving social and religious aspects, and cannot be analyzed merely by data, which are still few due to the short time of the regulation of the practice in the country by the Federal Council of Medicine. Finally, the method used to reach the conclusion was the deductive one, analyzing the available material on orthothanasia and the physician's Civil Liability in the Brazilian Legal System, concluding by relating both.
ortonásia , responsabilidade civil do médico , direito à vida , orthothanasia , physician’s civil liability , right to live