A simulação do negócio jurídico: um estudo sobre seu conceito, efeitos e práticas a partir do código civil de 2002
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Bittar Filho, Ricardo
Bdine Junior, Hamid Charaf
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O presente trabalho trata do vício social da simulação do negócio jurídico. Antes de dele tratar, faz-se necessário verificar qual a natureza do negócio jurídico, examinar quais os seus requisitos essenciais e estudar, mais a fundo, um deles: a vontade, cuja manifestação importa para sua configuração. Posteriormente, verificaram-se o conceito de simulação e suas espécies doutrinárias, a simulação absoluta e a simulação relativa. Mais adiante, estudou-se a simulação na antedatação ou na pós-datação do negócio jurídico, diferenciando-se a simulação inocente da simulação maliciosa. Depois, estudaram-se os efeitos da simulação, sua invalidade e nulificação, além da prevalência do negócio jurídico dissimulado. Finalmente, quanto à produção de seus efeitos jurídicos perante terceiros, investigaram-se as práticas da compra e venda para prejudicar o credor de boa-fé e da compra e venda de ascendente para descendente para prejudicar os demais herdeiros.
The present study deals with the social vice of the legal transaction simulation. Before dealing with the theme itself, it is necessary to verify the nature of the legal transaction, to examine its essential requirements and to study, deeply, one of them: the will, whose form matters for its configuration. Furthermore, it was verified the concept of simulation and its doctrinal definitions, the absolute simulation and the relative simulation. Moreover, it was studied the simulation regarding to the indication of a previous or posterior date to the real legal transaction, differentiating the innocent simulation to the malicious simulation. Then, it was studied the effects of the simulation, its invalidity and nullification, as well as of the prevalence of the hidden legal transaction. Finally, with regard to its legal effects vis-à-vis third parties, it was investigated the sales agreements practices aiming to prejudice the creditor in good faith and the sales agreement from the ascendant to the descendant in order to harm the other heirs.
The present study deals with the social vice of the legal transaction simulation. Before dealing with the theme itself, it is necessary to verify the nature of the legal transaction, to examine its essential requirements and to study, deeply, one of them: the will, whose form matters for its configuration. Furthermore, it was verified the concept of simulation and its doctrinal definitions, the absolute simulation and the relative simulation. Moreover, it was studied the simulation regarding to the indication of a previous or posterior date to the real legal transaction, differentiating the innocent simulation to the malicious simulation. Then, it was studied the effects of the simulation, its invalidity and nullification, as well as of the prevalence of the hidden legal transaction. Finally, with regard to its legal effects vis-à-vis third parties, it was investigated the sales agreements practices aiming to prejudice the creditor in good faith and the sales agreement from the ascendant to the descendant in order to harm the other heirs.
compra e venda , negócio jurídico , simulação , vício social , vontade , sales agreement , juridical transactions , simulation , social vice , will