Dissulfeto de Molibdênio (MoS2) bidimensional como carga para matrizes poliméricas
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Rodriguez, Camila Laura Celis
Fechine, Guilhermino José Macêdo
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Membros da banca
Andrade, Ricardo Jorge Espanhol
Ribeiro, Hélio
Pessan, Luiz Antonio
Maia, João Manuel Luis Lopes
Ribeiro, Hélio
Pessan, Luiz Antonio
Maia, João Manuel Luis Lopes
Engenharia de Materiais e Nanotecnologia
O dissulfeto de molibdênio (MoS2) tem despertado interesse na comunidade científica e industrial devido a suas excelentes propriedades físico-químicas e possíveis aplicações em diversas áreas, tais como: nanoeletrônica, biotecnologia e compósitos poliméricos. Nessse projeto de pesquisa, a esfoliação em fase líquida (EFL) em meio aquoso foi utilizada para a preparação de partículas bidimensionais de MoS2 e posterior utilização na produção de nanocompósitos, por ser uma opção extremamente atraente, de baixo custo e ambientalmente amigável. Verificou-se por diferentes técnicas (Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura - MEV, Microscopia de Força Atômica - AFM, Espectroscopia de Raman, Espectroscopia UV-VIS, Microscopia Ótica, Potencial Zeta, Espalhamento de Luz e Espectroscopia no infravermelho com transformada de Fourier – FTIR) que a água é um excelente solvente para produção de MoS2 com poucas camadas, gerando uma dispersão com excelente estabilidade. Através de simulações quânticas ab initio baseadas na teoria do funcional da densidade (DFT), pôde-se inferir que essa estabilidade se deve a funcionalização das bordas de enxofre “S” com hidrogênio “H”. Em uma primeira etapa, utilizou-se o poliestireno (PS) como matriz polimérica na produção dos nanocompósitos com MoS2, empregando uma extrusora dupla rosca como meio de mistura dos componentes. Diversas técnicas de caracterização foram utilizadas para avaliação dos nanocompósitos produzidos, como: Cromatografia por exclusão de tamanho (SEC), Espectroscopia no infravermelho com transformada de Fourier (FTIR), Microscopia Confocal Raman, Difração de Raios X (DRX), Ângulo de contato (AC), Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV), Microtomografia de Raios X, Análise Termogravimétrica (TGA), Análise Dinâmico-Mecânica (DMA), Ensaios de Tração e Ensaios Reológicos. Os nanocompósitos apresentaram aumento da tenacidade quando comparados ao PS puro (especialmente com teor de carga de 0,002% em massa), como também conduziram a alterações positivas na estabilidade térmica, evitando com isso a degradação térmica do PS durante o processamento. Os resultados obtidos também indicaram que a carga foi homogeneamente dispersa e com boa adesão a matriz polimérica. Posteriormente foi realizado um estudo empregando uma matriz polimérica biodegradável, o poli (butileno adipato-co-tereftalato) – (PBAT). Esse é considerado um dos polímeros mais promissores para a produção de embalagens de filmes sustentáveis. Dessa forma, foram obtidos filmes por extrusão plana de PBAT incorporando 0,001, 0,002 e 0,003% em massa de MoS2. As diferentes composições obtidas na forma de filmes foram caracterizadas por DRX, FTIR e por ensaio mecânico de tração no sentido longitudinal e transversal. As análises de DRX mostraram que as fases cristalinas presentes no PBAT não apresentaram mudanças significativas com a adição do MoS2. As propriedades mecânicas dos nanocompósitos de PBAT/MoS2 apresentaram melhor desempenho no sentido longitudinal. Esses resultados evidenciaram que a estrutura bidimensional dessa carga com baixo número de camdas (~5) conseguiu proporcionar excelentes propriedades as matriz poliméricas de PS e PBAT, mesmo em teores extremamente baixos até então nunca apresentados na literatura.
Molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) has been of interest to the scientific and industrial community due to its excellent physical and chemical characteristics and possible applications in various areas such as nanoelectronics, biotechnology and polymeric compounds. In this research project, liquid phase exfoliation (LPF) in aquous media was used to prepare two-dimensional MoS2 particles and later use in the production of two-dimensional nanocomposites, as it is an extremely attractive option, low cost and environmentally friendly option. It has been found by different techniques (Scanning Electron Microscopy - SEM, Atomic Force Microscopy – AFM, Raman Spectroscopy, UV-VIS Spectroscopy, Optical Microscopy, Zeta Potential, Dinamic Light Scattering – DLS and Infrared Spectroscopy with Fourier Transform Infrared –FTIR) that water is an excellent solvent for producing few layers MoS2, generating a dispersion with excellent stability. Through quantic ab initio simulations based on density functional theory (DFT) it could be inferred that this stability is due to the functionalization of the sulfur edges “S” with hydrogen “H”. In a first step, polystyrene - PS was used as a polymeric matrix in the production of MoS2 nanocomposites, using a double screw extruder as a component blending medium. Several characterization techniques were used to evaluate the nanocomposites produced, such as: Size Exclusion Chromatography - SEC, Fourier Transform Infrared – FTIR, Raman Spectroscopy, X-ray Diffraction –XRD, Contact Angle – AC, Scanning Electron Microscopy – SEM, X-ray Microtomography, Thermogravimetric Analysis – TGA, Dynamic Mechanical Analysis – DMA, Tensile test and Reological test. Nanocomposites showed increased toughness when compared to pure PS (especially with a load content of 0.002 wt% by mass), but also led to positive changes in thermal stability, thereby preventing thermal degradation of PS during processing. The results obtained also indicated that the load was homogeneously dispersed and with good adhesion to the polymeric matrix. Subsequently, a study was performed using a biodegradable polymer matrix, the Poly (butylene adipate-co-terephthalate) – PBAT. This is considered one of the most promising polymers for the production of sustainable film packaging. Thus, films were obtained by extrusion of PBAT incorporating 0.001, 0.002 and 0.003 wt% by mass of MoS2. The different compositions obtained in the form of films were characterized by XRD, FTIR and by mechanical tensile test in the longitudinal and transversal directions. The XRD analyzes showed that the crystalline phases present in PBAT did not show significant changes with the addition of MoS2. The mechanical properties of PBAT/MoS2 nanocomposites showed better performance in the longitudinal direction. These results showed that the two-dimensional structure of this load with a low number of layers (~ 5) managed to provide excellent properties to the polymeric matrix of PS and PBAT, even at extremely low levels never before presented in the literature.
Molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) has been of interest to the scientific and industrial community due to its excellent physical and chemical characteristics and possible applications in various areas such as nanoelectronics, biotechnology and polymeric compounds. In this research project, liquid phase exfoliation (LPF) in aquous media was used to prepare two-dimensional MoS2 particles and later use in the production of two-dimensional nanocomposites, as it is an extremely attractive option, low cost and environmentally friendly option. It has been found by different techniques (Scanning Electron Microscopy - SEM, Atomic Force Microscopy – AFM, Raman Spectroscopy, UV-VIS Spectroscopy, Optical Microscopy, Zeta Potential, Dinamic Light Scattering – DLS and Infrared Spectroscopy with Fourier Transform Infrared –FTIR) that water is an excellent solvent for producing few layers MoS2, generating a dispersion with excellent stability. Through quantic ab initio simulations based on density functional theory (DFT) it could be inferred that this stability is due to the functionalization of the sulfur edges “S” with hydrogen “H”. In a first step, polystyrene - PS was used as a polymeric matrix in the production of MoS2 nanocomposites, using a double screw extruder as a component blending medium. Several characterization techniques were used to evaluate the nanocomposites produced, such as: Size Exclusion Chromatography - SEC, Fourier Transform Infrared – FTIR, Raman Spectroscopy, X-ray Diffraction –XRD, Contact Angle – AC, Scanning Electron Microscopy – SEM, X-ray Microtomography, Thermogravimetric Analysis – TGA, Dynamic Mechanical Analysis – DMA, Tensile test and Reological test. Nanocomposites showed increased toughness when compared to pure PS (especially with a load content of 0.002 wt% by mass), but also led to positive changes in thermal stability, thereby preventing thermal degradation of PS during processing. The results obtained also indicated that the load was homogeneously dispersed and with good adhesion to the polymeric matrix. Subsequently, a study was performed using a biodegradable polymer matrix, the Poly (butylene adipate-co-terephthalate) – PBAT. This is considered one of the most promising polymers for the production of sustainable film packaging. Thus, films were obtained by extrusion of PBAT incorporating 0.001, 0.002 and 0.003 wt% by mass of MoS2. The different compositions obtained in the form of films were characterized by XRD, FTIR and by mechanical tensile test in the longitudinal and transversal directions. The XRD analyzes showed that the crystalline phases present in PBAT did not show significant changes with the addition of MoS2. The mechanical properties of PBAT/MoS2 nanocomposites showed better performance in the longitudinal direction. These results showed that the two-dimensional structure of this load with a low number of layers (~ 5) managed to provide excellent properties to the polymeric matrix of PS and PBAT, even at extremely low levels never before presented in the literature.
Esfoliação Fase Líquida - (EFL) , nanopartículas de dissulfeto de molibdênio - (MoS2) , processamento no estado fundido , nanocompósitos poliméricos , poliestireno , filmes finos , poli (butileno adipato-co-tereftalato).
Assuntos Scopus
RODRIGUEZ, Camila Laura Celis. Dissulfeto de Molibdênio (MoS2) bidimensional como carga para matrizes poliméricas. 2020. 199 f. Tese (doutorado em Engenharia de Materiais e Nanotecnologia) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2020.