Metodologia de desenvolvimento de sistemas prescritivo x ágil
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Sano, Shoiti
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No atual cenário global, empresas que não conseguirem entregar seus produtos tão ou mais rápido do que seus concorrentes, a custos e qualidade compatíveis, perderão espaço no mercado. Por isso ter um processo ágil e flexível que permita às empresas desenvolver seus sistemas de forma a que eles cheguem ao mercado no tempo, custo e qualidades corretos tornou-se crítico. As metodologias de desenvolvimento de sistemas tem um papel importante não só na entrega dos sistemas dentro dos prazos exigidos pelo negócio, mas também no controle dos custos e escopo, por esse motivo o presente trabalho busca, a partir de um estudo de caso, identificar as melhores práticas das mais conhecidas metodologias de desenvolvimento de sistemas Prescritivas e Ágeis e apresentar uma nova metodologia de desenvolvimento de sistemas que foi criada no estudo de caso apresentado, com base em algumas dessas melhores práticas.
In the present global scenario, companies that are not able to deliver their products as fast as or faster than their competitors, at compatible costs and quality, will lose space in the market. That is why having a quick and flexible process that allows companies to develop their systems in a way that they arrive in the market, on time as well as at correct cost and quality has become critical. The methodologies of systems development have an important role, not only at delivering systems according to the deadlines of the business, but also at controlling the costs and scope, therefore this work proposes, through a case study, to identify the best practices from the most known methodologies of Prescriptive and Agile systems development and introduce a new methodology of systems development which was accomplished in the case study presented, based on some of these best practices.
In the present global scenario, companies that are not able to deliver their products as fast as or faster than their competitors, at compatible costs and quality, will lose space in the market. That is why having a quick and flexible process that allows companies to develop their systems in a way that they arrive in the market, on time as well as at correct cost and quality has become critical. The methodologies of systems development have an important role, not only at delivering systems according to the deadlines of the business, but also at controlling the costs and scope, therefore this work proposes, through a case study, to identify the best practices from the most known methodologies of Prescriptive and Agile systems development and introduce a new methodology of systems development which was accomplished in the case study presented, based on some of these best practices.
Gestão de projetos , Banco de dados , Tecnologia