Greenwashing: análise sobre a perspectiva da proteção ao consumidor
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Fiore, Giovanna da Silveira
Giancoli, Brunno Pandori
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À medida que os anos avançam, torna-se cada vez mais evidente a problemática
decorrente do estímulo ao consumo desenfreado e suas graves consequências para o meio
ambiente, surgindo assim a necessidade de um modelo de produção, consumo e descarte mais
sustentáveis e conscientes. O greenwashing aparece como uma estratégia oportunista,
encobrindo práticas que, na verdade, contribuem pouco ou nada para a preservação ambiental,
sob a roupagem da sustentabilidade. Este artigo tem como objetivo compreender essa
problemática e sua relevância no mercado consumidor, além de investigar se há amparo legal
no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro para essa prática, especialmente considerando-o como uma
forma de publicidade enganosa, conforme estabelecido pelo Código de Defesa do Consumidor.
Para tanto, é importante definir seu conceito, estabelecer seus mecanismos e estratégias,
examinar como o direito protege a sustentabilidade e o meio ambiente, e avaliar se os direitos
fundamentais do consumidor e os princípios que regem sua proteção são suficientes para evitar
essa prática. Dessa forma, busca-se compreender o greenwashing em sua relação direta com o
mercado consumidor, bem como a proteção oferecida contra a publicidade enganosa e as
práticas abusivas na relação entre o consumo e o meio ambiente, ambas juridicamente tuteladas.
As the years go by, the problem arising from the encouragement of unrestrained consumption and its serious consequences for the environment becomes increasingly evident, thus emerging the need for a more sustainable and conscious model of production, consumption and disposal. Greenwashing appears as an opportunistic strategy, covering up practices that, in fact, contribute little or nothing to environmental preservation, under the guise of sustainability. This article aims to understand this problem and its relevance in the consumer market, in addition to investigating whether there is legal support in the Brazilian legal system for this practice, especially considering it as a form of misleading advertising, as established by the Consumer Protection Code. To this end, it is important to define its concept, establish its mechanisms and strategies, examine how the law protects sustainability and the environment, and assess whether fundamental consumer rights and the principles that govern their protection are sufficient to avoid this practice. In this way, we seek to understand greenwashing in its direct relationship with the consumer market, as well as the protection offered against misleading advertising and abusive practices in the relationship between consumption and the environment, both of which are legally protected.
As the years go by, the problem arising from the encouragement of unrestrained consumption and its serious consequences for the environment becomes increasingly evident, thus emerging the need for a more sustainable and conscious model of production, consumption and disposal. Greenwashing appears as an opportunistic strategy, covering up practices that, in fact, contribute little or nothing to environmental preservation, under the guise of sustainability. This article aims to understand this problem and its relevance in the consumer market, in addition to investigating whether there is legal support in the Brazilian legal system for this practice, especially considering it as a form of misleading advertising, as established by the Consumer Protection Code. To this end, it is important to define its concept, establish its mechanisms and strategies, examine how the law protects sustainability and the environment, and assess whether fundamental consumer rights and the principles that govern their protection are sufficient to avoid this practice. In this way, we seek to understand greenwashing in its direct relationship with the consumer market, as well as the protection offered against misleading advertising and abusive practices in the relationship between consumption and the environment, both of which are legally protected.
consumidor , ordenamento jurídico brasileiro , publicidade enganosa , greenwashing , consumer , brazilian legal system , misleading publicity , environmental sustainability