Análise do cancelamento da distribuição e da desistência da ação à luz do direito processual civil
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Duarte, Ana Beatriz Moral
Souza, André Pagani de
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Membros da banca
O presente trabalho visa a análise principiológica do cancelamento da distribuição e
o pedido de desistência da ação no âmbito do processo civil. De antemão será discorrido sobre
os princípios existentes que regem o processo civil, sua importância e motivo pelo qual foram
Ato subsequente, será analisado a evolução do Código de Processo Civil no que
tange a previsão do ato do cancelamento da distribuição e o de desistir de uma ação, razão de
sua existência.
O objetivo basilar do trabalho é a análise dos impactos que esses dois atos possuem
no poder judiciário quando utilizados pelas partes para benefício próprio.
Não menos importante será comparada a prática de realizar esses dois atos para
benefício próprio com o fenômeno do “Fórum Shopping”.
Ademais, será analisado que mesmo com o instituto da prevenção de quando um
processo é julgado sem resolução do mérito, como previsto no art. 286, II, do CPC, ainda é
possível utilizar desses institutos com o intuito de alcançar a melhor decisão possível,
desrespeitando diversos princípios.
Por fim, serão abordadas hipóteses para suprir essa problemática que o Poder
Judiciário aparentemente desconhece ou não julga como imprescindível. O estudo se dará por
meio de análise de Bancos de Sentenças, doutrinas, jurisprudência, artigos e pesquisas
bibliográficas no geral.
The present assignment aims the principled analysis of the cancellation of the distribution and the withdraw of a lawsuit in the scope of civil procedure law. Beforehand it will be expose about the existing principles that rules the civil procedure law, its importance, and the reason why it was stipulates. Henceforth, It will be analyzed the evolution of the Civil Procedure Code regarding the provision of the act of canceling of the distribution and the withdrawal of a lawsuit, the reason for its existence. The fundamental objective of this monography is to analyze the impacts of these two actions have on the judiciary when used by the parties for their own benefit. Not less important, it will be compared the executing of these two actions for their own benefits with the phenomenon of “Forum Shopping”. Moreover, it will be analyzed that even with the prevention institute, when a process is judged without resolution of merits, as foreseen in art. 286, II, of the CPC, it is still possible to use these institutes in order to achieve a best decision possible, disrespecting several principles. Finally, it will be addressed hypotheses to overcome this issue that the Judiciary Power apparently ignores or does not deem essential. The study will take place through the analysis of Sentence Banks, doctrines, jurisprudence, articles and bibliographic research in general.
The present assignment aims the principled analysis of the cancellation of the distribution and the withdraw of a lawsuit in the scope of civil procedure law. Beforehand it will be expose about the existing principles that rules the civil procedure law, its importance, and the reason why it was stipulates. Henceforth, It will be analyzed the evolution of the Civil Procedure Code regarding the provision of the act of canceling of the distribution and the withdrawal of a lawsuit, the reason for its existence. The fundamental objective of this monography is to analyze the impacts of these two actions have on the judiciary when used by the parties for their own benefit. Not less important, it will be compared the executing of these two actions for their own benefits with the phenomenon of “Forum Shopping”. Moreover, it will be analyzed that even with the prevention institute, when a process is judged without resolution of merits, as foreseen in art. 286, II, of the CPC, it is still possible to use these institutes in order to achieve a best decision possible, disrespecting several principles. Finally, it will be addressed hypotheses to overcome this issue that the Judiciary Power apparently ignores or does not deem essential. The study will take place through the analysis of Sentence Banks, doctrines, jurisprudence, articles and bibliographic research in general.
princípios , processo civil , cancelamento da distribuição , desistência da ação , principles , civil procedure , cancellation of the distribution , withdrawal from action