A importância da teologia bíblica na pregação cristocêntrica
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Gonçalves, Maxwell Whittle
Chung, Chun Kwang
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O objetivo desta monografia é explorar e defender sobre a importância da Teologia Bíblica para a Pregação Cristocêntrica. Afinal uma pregação de cunho humanista em nada acrescenta para o crescimento e edificação da Igreja, pelo contrário. A grande necessidade do homem não é uma mensagem moralista, mas é aprender que ele é totalmente dependente da obra e graça em Cristo. Desde os princípios o Senhor ordenou ao seu povo para espalhar a glória de Deus por toda a terra com a mensagem do Evangelho, presente em todas as Escrituras, desde o Antigo Testamento. A presença do Senhor Jesus entrelaça todo o Antigo Testamento com o Novo Testamento, a mensagem do Evangelho é presente em todas as Escrituras, desde Gênesis até Apocalipse. Por isso quando a pregação se prende a um único texto, e por consequência se perde no foco da mensagem ao se isolar do fundamento da Teologia Bíblica ao longo das Escrituras. E muita das vezes redireciona o foco da mensagem ao homem numa tentativa vã de esvaziar a Glória de Deus. A mensagem da Bíblia nunca pode ser vista como uma série de histórias inspirativas daquilo que homens e mulheres fizeram no passado. Antes seu foco precisa ser tão somente o que Deus fez no passado para salvar o homem perdido afim de que o nome Dele seja sempre glorificado. A pregação do Evangelho precisa ser concebida a partir das Escrituras como uma revelação integral, progressiva e continuada, a fim de que o nome de Deus seja glorificado em todas as nações. O presente trabalho será abordado de forma mais ampla dentro de três capítulos que, mostrará os fundamentos da Teologia Bíblica, da Pregação Cristocêntrica bem com a confluência entre eles. Esta pesquisa tem como referência as Escrituras Sagradas sob a perspectiva da Teologia Reformada e sua metodologia será a pesquisa bibliográfica nas confissões reformadas, em livros, comentários bíblicos, sites científicos e periódicos que abordem os assuntos relacionados ao tema.
The objective of this monograph is to explore and defend the importance of Biblical Theology for Christocentric Preaching. After all, preaching with a humanist nature adds nothing to the growth and edification of the Church, on the contrary. Man's great need is not a moralistic message, but is to learn that he is totally dependent on the work and grace in Christ. From the beginning, the Lord ordered his people to spread the glory of God throughout the earth with the message of the Gospel, present in all the Scriptures, since the Old Testament. The presence of the Lord Jesus intertwines the entire Old Testament with the New Testament, the Gospel message is present in all the Scriptures, from Genesis to Revelation. Therefore, when preaching is tied to a single text, and consequently loses the focus of the message by isolating itself from the foundation of Biblical Theology throughout the Scriptures. And many times it redirects the focus of the message to man in a vain attempt to empty the Glory of God. The message of the Bible can never be seen as a series of inspirational stories of what men and women have done in the past. Rather, your focus needs to be solely on what God did in the past to save lost man so that His name is always glorified. The preaching of the Gospel needs to be conceived from the Scriptures as an integral, progressive and continuous revelation, so that the name of God is glorified in all nations. The present work will be approached more broadly within three chapters that will show the foundations of Biblical Theology, Christocentric Preaching as well as the confluence between them. This research has as its reference the Holy Scriptures from the perspective of Reformed Theology and its methodology will be bibliographical research in the Reformed confessions, in books, biblical commentaries, scientific websites and periodicals that address issues related to the topic.
The objective of this monograph is to explore and defend the importance of Biblical Theology for Christocentric Preaching. After all, preaching with a humanist nature adds nothing to the growth and edification of the Church, on the contrary. Man's great need is not a moralistic message, but is to learn that he is totally dependent on the work and grace in Christ. From the beginning, the Lord ordered his people to spread the glory of God throughout the earth with the message of the Gospel, present in all the Scriptures, since the Old Testament. The presence of the Lord Jesus intertwines the entire Old Testament with the New Testament, the Gospel message is present in all the Scriptures, from Genesis to Revelation. Therefore, when preaching is tied to a single text, and consequently loses the focus of the message by isolating itself from the foundation of Biblical Theology throughout the Scriptures. And many times it redirects the focus of the message to man in a vain attempt to empty the Glory of God. The message of the Bible can never be seen as a series of inspirational stories of what men and women have done in the past. Rather, your focus needs to be solely on what God did in the past to save lost man so that His name is always glorified. The preaching of the Gospel needs to be conceived from the Scriptures as an integral, progressive and continuous revelation, so that the name of God is glorified in all nations. The present work will be approached more broadly within three chapters that will show the foundations of Biblical Theology, Christocentric Preaching as well as the confluence between them. This research has as its reference the Holy Scriptures from the perspective of Reformed Theology and its methodology will be bibliographical research in the Reformed confessions, in books, biblical commentaries, scientific websites and periodicals that address issues related to the topic.
pregação cristocêntrica , teologia bíblica , christocentric preaching , biblical theology