A possibilidade de imputação de responsabilidade objetiva aos clubes de futebol, por acidentes de trabalho, sofridos por seus atletas profissionais, através da teoria do risco
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Kavamura, Abner Teixeira
Rodrigues, Ivandick Cruzelles
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Neste presente trabalho, tentaremos analisar a questão dos acidentes de trabalho no esporte profissional, mais especificamente, verificando a possibilidade de imputação de responsabilidade objetiva aos Clubes de Futebol, nos casos lesões sofridas pelos atletas profissionais do futebol, em razão do exercício da atividade desportiva.
Assim, no capítulo inicial, analisaremos o instituto da responsabilidade civil, com base nas definições apresentadas por grandes autores como Sílvio Rodrigues, Maria Helena Diniz, Sílvio de Sálvio Venosa e Diego Petacci. Em seguida dissertaremos sobre as funções da responsabilidade civil e sobre os princípios que norteiam a aplicação deste instituto. Apresentaremos as distinções existentes entre a responsabilidade civil subjetiva e a responsabilidade civil objetiva, tentando apresentar possíveis hipóteses de incidência no âmbito desportivo. Para arrematar, explicaremos a teoria do risco, indicando o contexto histórico em meio ao qual surgiu, seus precursores e algumas de suas teorias derivadas, no caso, a teoria do risco proveito; a teoria do risco criado e a teoria do risco profissional.
Já no segundo capítulo, verificaremos o contexto histórico em meio ao qual surgiu o instituto do acidente do trabalho. Depois, passaremos a definição do acidente de trabalho em sentido estrito (acidente-tipo), e em seguida analisaremos o acidente de trabalho em sentido amplo (doenças ocupacionais e acidentes de trajeto). Dissertaremos sobre a responsabilidade do empregador pelos acidentes de trabalho sofridos por seus funcionários, e apresentaremos o posicionamento de ambas as correntes, daquela que sustenta que tal imputação de responsabilidade só poderia ocorrer por meio da modalidade subjetiva, e daquela que defende a possibilidade de imputação de responsabilidade objetiva ao empregador, com base na teoria do risco, por eventuais acidentes sofridos por seus empregados. Verificaremos também qual o posicionamento do TST sobre o tema.
No último e derradeiro capítulo, traremos alguns estudos científicos que ilustram as principais lesões que acometem os atletas profissionais do futebol, em decorrência da prática profissional do esporte, assim como o seu nível de incidência. Depois tentaremos formular um possível conceito do que poderia ser entendido como acidente do trabalho no esporte. Verificaremos a possibilidade de responsabilização das entidades de prática desportiva, analisando a questão da natureza associativas da maioria das entidades de prática desportivas. Listaremos alguns direitos, que poderiam ser conferidos aos atletas no caso de responsabilização das entidades. E concluiremos o capítulo, analisando qual é o atual entendimento jurisprudencial, de alguns tribunais regionais, sobre este tema.
E por fim, encerraremos o presente trabalho, apresentando nossas conclusões.
In the present work, we shall try to analyze the job accidents on professional sports question, more specifically, verifying the possibility of attributing responsibility to soccer teams, in case of injuries suffered by its players, due to sportive activities. Therefore, in the first chapter, we will analyze civil liability, based on the definitions shown by great authors such as Silvio Rodrigues, Maria Helena Diniz, Silvio de Sílvio Venosa e Diego Petacci. Subsequently, we will discuss civil liability’s functions and the values that guide its application. We are going to present the differences between subjective and objective civil liability, to show possible hypotheses of its occurrence on sports. To conclude, we shall explain the risk theory, highlighting the historical context in which it came up, its predecessor and some of their derivate theories, such as the advantage risk, self-created risk and professional risk theories. In the second chapter, we will verify the historical context in which the occupational accident institute was created. Then, we will give the definition of occupational accidents in a strict sense and analyze occupational accidents in broad sense afterward. We will discuss the employers liability for the accidents suffered by its employees, and show the stances of both movements, from the one that supports the imputation of liability could only happen through subjective ways, to the one that defends the possibility of objective imputation of liability to the employer, based on the risk theory, on occasional labor accidents. We shall also verify how the Superior Labor Court’s stances about this topic. In the final chapter, we will bring to light some scientific studies that demonstrate the main injuries that affect professional soccer players, due to their professional practice of the sport, as well as its occurrence rate. Then, we will draft a possible concept of what could be understood as an occupational accident in the sports area. Wes hall verify the possibility of accountability for Sporting organization, analyzing the associative nature matter of most sporting organizations. We shall list some rights that could be given to athletes in case of organizational accountability. In addition, to conclude the chapter, we will analyze what is the current Precedent understanding of some regional courts about the topic. Finally, we shall end this paper, showing our conclusions.
In the present work, we shall try to analyze the job accidents on professional sports question, more specifically, verifying the possibility of attributing responsibility to soccer teams, in case of injuries suffered by its players, due to sportive activities. Therefore, in the first chapter, we will analyze civil liability, based on the definitions shown by great authors such as Silvio Rodrigues, Maria Helena Diniz, Silvio de Sílvio Venosa e Diego Petacci. Subsequently, we will discuss civil liability’s functions and the values that guide its application. We are going to present the differences between subjective and objective civil liability, to show possible hypotheses of its occurrence on sports. To conclude, we shall explain the risk theory, highlighting the historical context in which it came up, its predecessor and some of their derivate theories, such as the advantage risk, self-created risk and professional risk theories. In the second chapter, we will verify the historical context in which the occupational accident institute was created. Then, we will give the definition of occupational accidents in a strict sense and analyze occupational accidents in broad sense afterward. We will discuss the employers liability for the accidents suffered by its employees, and show the stances of both movements, from the one that supports the imputation of liability could only happen through subjective ways, to the one that defends the possibility of objective imputation of liability to the employer, based on the risk theory, on occasional labor accidents. We shall also verify how the Superior Labor Court’s stances about this topic. In the final chapter, we will bring to light some scientific studies that demonstrate the main injuries that affect professional soccer players, due to their professional practice of the sport, as well as its occurrence rate. Then, we will draft a possible concept of what could be understood as an occupational accident in the sports area. Wes hall verify the possibility of accountability for Sporting organization, analyzing the associative nature matter of most sporting organizations. We shall list some rights that could be given to athletes in case of organizational accountability. In addition, to conclude the chapter, we will analyze what is the current Precedent understanding of some regional courts about the topic. Finally, we shall end this paper, showing our conclusions.
responsabilidade civil objetiva , acidente do trabalho , teoria do risco e atleta profissional do futebol , objective civil liability , occupational accidents , risk theory and professional soccer athlete