Fundos de investimento: responsabilidade civil e alterações normativas
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Adami, Angélica Araújo Guedes
Barbosa Filho, Marcelo Fortes
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O presente trabalho aborda os temas mais sensíveis da atualidade dos fundos de investimento, quais sejam: a natureza jurídica, a evolução normativa e, como foco central, a responsabilidade civil dos prestadores de serviços com maior enfoque na figura do administrador e gestor dos fundos de investimento. Para tal, fez-se uma pesquisa normativa compreendendo os anos de 1945 até o ano atual (2023). Além disso, elaborou-se uma pesquisa da jurisprudência da CVM no que tange à responsabilização dos prestadores de serviços. Analisaram-se 9 julgados, entre os anos de 2000 até os dias atuais. Por fim, realizou-se um levantamento da doutrina atual sobre o tema dos fundos de investimento, por onde levou-se em consideração o lado técnico, além do lado crítico, que nessa indústria é praxe. Por ser um tema muito atual e com atualizações normativas muito significativas no presente ano, apenas o corpo textual da respectiva norma será estudado, uma vez que ainda não existe jurisprudência ou doutrina no que tange aos recentes normativos. O objetivo do presente estudo é conhecer as características dos fundos de investimento que estão sendo conceituadas à medida que o tempo passa. Pode-se dizer que, no Brasil, ainda é um mercado embrionário, e que, por mais que haja extensa regulamentação, ela além de ser recente, é questionável.
The present work addresses the most sensitive themes of investment funds today, namely: the legal nature, the regulatory evolution and, as a central focus, the civil liability of service providers with a greater focus on the figure of the administrator and manager of investment funds. To this end, a normative research was carried out covering the years from 1945 to the current year (2023). Furthermore, a research of the CVM's jurisprudence regarding the liability of service providers was elaborated. Nine judgments were analyzed, from 2000 to the present day. Finally, a survey of the current doctrine on the subject of investment funds was carried out, where the technical side was taken into consideration, as well as the critical side, which in this industry is common practice. As it is a very current theme and with very significant normative updates this year, only the textual body of the respective norm will be studied, since there is still no jurisprudence or doctrine regarding the recent normatives. The objective of the present study is to know the characteristics of investment funds that are being conceptualized as time goes by. It can be said that in Brazil it is still an embryonic market, and that, even though there is extensive regulation, it is recent and questionable.
The present work addresses the most sensitive themes of investment funds today, namely: the legal nature, the regulatory evolution and, as a central focus, the civil liability of service providers with a greater focus on the figure of the administrator and manager of investment funds. To this end, a normative research was carried out covering the years from 1945 to the current year (2023). Furthermore, a research of the CVM's jurisprudence regarding the liability of service providers was elaborated. Nine judgments were analyzed, from 2000 to the present day. Finally, a survey of the current doctrine on the subject of investment funds was carried out, where the technical side was taken into consideration, as well as the critical side, which in this industry is common practice. As it is a very current theme and with very significant normative updates this year, only the textual body of the respective norm will be studied, since there is still no jurisprudence or doctrine regarding the recent normatives. The objective of the present study is to know the characteristics of investment funds that are being conceptualized as time goes by. It can be said that in Brazil it is still an embryonic market, and that, even though there is extensive regulation, it is recent and questionable.
fundos de investimento , natureza jurídica , responsabilidade civil , administrador , investment funds , legal nature , civil responsability , administrator