Campanha de marketing e comunicação ONG Rede Emancipa
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Santos, Vanessa Lopes dos
Sandanielo, Victoria Figueiredo
Sandanielo, Victoria Figueiredo
Tangerino, Denise
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Campanha de Marketing e Comunicação desenvolvida para a ONG de cursinhos populares Rede Emancipa, com objetivo de analisar forças, fraquezas, oportunidades e ameaças para a ONG. Além disso, outra meta é a de recuperar 48% dos alunos que pararam de realizar o cursinho preparatório durante a pan-demia de COVID-19. Após realização de uma pesquisa de mercado, foi possível constatar que a marca presta um serviço de ordem social de extrema importância, levando educação para jovens em vulnerabilidade social há 15 anos, além de ser responsável por criar novas realidades para muitas famílias. Por outro lado, identificamos a necessidade não só de entender a debandada de alunos, como também de recuperá-los utilizando vários meios, inclusive meios offline, para abranger todas as subdivisões do público.
Marketing and Communication Campaign developed for the NGO “Rede Emancipa”, which is responsible for providing pre-college preparatory courses with social prices, and that aims at analyzing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to the NGO. Another goal is to recover 48% of the students who stopped taking the course during the COVID-19 pandemic. After conducting a market research, it was possible to to verify that the brand is responsible for an extremely important social service: providing education to young people in social vulnerability, for 15 years, and also for creating new re-alities for many families. On the other hand, we identified the need not only to understand the stampede of students, but to also recover them by using various means, including offline means, to cover all subdivisions of the public.
Marketing and Communication Campaign developed for the NGO “Rede Emancipa”, which is responsible for providing pre-college preparatory courses with social prices, and that aims at analyzing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to the NGO. Another goal is to recover 48% of the students who stopped taking the course during the COVID-19 pandemic. After conducting a market research, it was possible to to verify that the brand is responsible for an extremely important social service: providing education to young people in social vulnerability, for 15 years, and also for creating new re-alities for many families. On the other hand, we identified the need not only to understand the stampede of students, but to also recover them by using various means, including offline means, to cover all subdivisions of the public.
educação inclusiva , cursinho , pré-vestibular , inclusive education , preparatory courses , pre-college