Pela própria rédea – equoterapia para crianças autistas
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Raveli, Nicoli do Céu Nogueira Paiva
Souza, Vanderlei Dias de
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O presente relatório dá embasamento ao documentário audiovisual “Pela própria rédea:
equoterapia para crianças autistas”, produto que ilustra os benefícios da equoterapia
para crianças com essas condições. Trata-se de um método terapêutico indicado para
pessoas com necessidades físicas e/ou mentais, sem restrição de idade. Há cerca de
dois milhões de autistas no Brasil, sendo que a maioria ainda procura por um tratamento
adequado. Tendo esse fato como ponto de partida, o documentário conta a história de
crianças diagnosticadas com autismo e como foi o desenvolvimento delas após a
equoterapia ter sido aliada às terapias convencionais. Com a fala de especialistas, o
trabalho também explica o que é a equoterapia e como ela se diferencia dos
atendimentos ambulatoriais, sendo, muitas vezes, mais eficaz.
This report supports the documentary “By their own rein: hippotherapy for autistic children”, a product that illustrates the benefits of hippotherapy for children with these conditions. It is a therapeutic method indicated for people with physical and/or mental needs, with no age restriction. There are about two million people with autism in Brazil, most of whom are still looking for adequate treatment. Taking this fact as a starting point, the documentary show the story of three families with children who were diagnosed with autism and how their development was after hippotherapy was combined with conventional therapies. With the speech of specialists, it also explains what hippotherapy is and how and why it differs from outpatient care, often being more effective.
This report supports the documentary “By their own rein: hippotherapy for autistic children”, a product that illustrates the benefits of hippotherapy for children with these conditions. It is a therapeutic method indicated for people with physical and/or mental needs, with no age restriction. There are about two million people with autism in Brazil, most of whom are still looking for adequate treatment. Taking this fact as a starting point, the documentary show the story of three families with children who were diagnosed with autism and how their development was after hippotherapy was combined with conventional therapies. With the speech of specialists, it also explains what hippotherapy is and how and why it differs from outpatient care, often being more effective.
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equoterapia , autismo , desenvolvimento , jornalismo , documentário , hippotherapy , autism , development , journalism , documentary