Garantia de direitos a pequenos cidadãos - análise sobre o impacto dos projetos sociais no desenvolvimento de crianças e adolescentes
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Souza, Luiza Silva e
Bruno, Reinaldo Moreira
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Este trabalho tem como objetivo discutir a importância dos projetos sociais no
desenvolvimento da criança e do adolescente, com foco no acesso aos direitos de
cultura e lazer, viabilizados através dos projetos e incentivos sociais. Para tanto, foi
realizada revisão bibliográfica sobre o tema, abordando aspectos conceituais e
históricos da contextualização da Criança e do Adolescente como sujeitos de
direitos. E os caminhos para criação de políticas públicas que alcancem as
necessidades dessa população no Brasil. Como resultado, foi possível constatar que
os projetos sociais são atores fundamentais formação integral das crianças e
adolescentes, em especial aos que se encontram em situação de vulnerabilidade
social, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento cognitivo, social, emocional e cultural.
Além disso, os projetos sociais proporcionam oportunidades de acesso, promovendo
a inclusão social, e acessos para indivíduos que se encontram em vulnerabilidade
social, contribuindo para seu desenvolvimento e transformando a realidade de
muitos destas crianças e jovens. Sendo estes instrumentos para o desenvolvimento
humano e para a construção de uma sociedade mais justa e democrática.
This paper aims to discuss the importance of social projects in the development of children and adolescents, focusing on access to the rights of culture and leisure, made possible through projects and social incentives. To this end, a bibliographic review on the theme was carried out, addressing conceptual and historical aspects of the contextualization of the Child and Adolescent as subjects of rights. And the ways to create public policies that meet the needs of this population in Brazil. As a result, it was possible to verify that social projects are fundamental actors in the integral formation of children and adolescents, especially those in situations of social vulnerability, contributing to their cognitive, social, emotional, and cultural development. Furthermore, social projects provide access opportunities, promoting social inclusion, and access to individuals who are in social vulnerability, contributing to their development and transforming the reality of many of these children and young people. These are tools for human development and for the construction of a more just and democratic society.
This paper aims to discuss the importance of social projects in the development of children and adolescents, focusing on access to the rights of culture and leisure, made possible through projects and social incentives. To this end, a bibliographic review on the theme was carried out, addressing conceptual and historical aspects of the contextualization of the Child and Adolescent as subjects of rights. And the ways to create public policies that meet the needs of this population in Brazil. As a result, it was possible to verify that social projects are fundamental actors in the integral formation of children and adolescents, especially those in situations of social vulnerability, contributing to their cognitive, social, emotional, and cultural development. Furthermore, social projects provide access opportunities, promoting social inclusion, and access to individuals who are in social vulnerability, contributing to their development and transforming the reality of many of these children and young people. These are tools for human development and for the construction of a more just and democratic society.
projetos sociais , crianças , adolescentes , social projects , children , adolescents