Valongus. alegorias urbanas frente mar.
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Lazareti, Bruna Loporchio
Arriagada, Carlos Andrés Hernández
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De uma maneira geral, cidades portuárias apresentam configurações semelhantes
entre si. A dependência entre o passado, presente e futuro faz com que se desen volvam projetos que se interconectam no estado atemporal. As marcas do passado
delimitam um ponto de partida para o futuro, reconhecendo mudanças que se encaixem
com o desenvolvimento da cidade.
A cidade litorânea de Santos proveniente do segundo maior porto da América Lati na, segundo CEPAL, acrescenta consideravelmente para o desenvolvimento econômico
do Brasil, além de ser a principal porta de escoamento dos produtos brasileiros.
Contudo, hoje admite uma problemática quanto à urbanidade entre infraestruturas
portuárias e a metrópole. Tomando como frente do estudo o setor do Valongo, bairro
criativo de Santos que se destaca não apenas por ser a primeira zona a se consol idar do complexo portuário, mas por contemplar importantes equipamentos públicos
de interesse histórico, turístico e cultural, hoje admite uma problemática quanto a
desconectividade entre cidade e porto, isto porque há um alto fluxo de caminhões de
cargas na perimetral que impede a chegada de pedestres na borda.
Entendendo as lógicas decorrentes do passado guiará o desenvolvimento de pan oramas que transcorrerá em um futuro potencial, tanto quanto ao desenvolvimento
da zona portuária quanto ao desenvolvimento econômico, social e cultural de Santos.
Visto isso, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo restabelecer a conectividade entre
a cidade e a zona portuária através de uma reestruturação urbana e artística na
Hinterlândia, reiterando a essência do bairro Valongo, apresentando alegorias urban as frente mar, contemplando dinâmicas do Cirque du Soleil, grupo de circo mundial mente conhecido pelas suas apresentações espetaculares e que engloba todo tipo de
arte, de maneira que integre toda a população local e turística, gerando uma maior
PALAVbS - CHAVES: Porto Valongo, Reestruturação Urbana, Reconexão, Hinter lândia, Alegorias urbanas
In general, port cities have similar configurations to each other. The dependence between the past, present and future causes projects to develop that interconnect in the timeless state. The hallmarks delimit a starting point for the future, recognizing changes that fit with the development of the city. The coastal city of Santos which contains the second largest port in Latin America, according to CEPAL, adds considerably to Brazil’s economic development, be sides being the main outlet for Brazilian products. However, today admits a problem regarding the urbanity between port infrastructures and the metropolis. Taking as front of the study the sector of Valongo, a creative neighborhood of Santos that stands out not only for being the first area to consolidate the port complex, but for contemplating important public equipment of historical, tourist and cultural interest, today admits a problem regarding the disconnectivity between city and port, because there is a high flow of cargo trucks in the perimeter that prevents the arrival of pedestrians at the edge. Understanding the logics arising from the past will guide the development of panoramas that will take place in a potential future, both in terms of the develop ment of the port area and the economic, social and cultural development of Santos. Given this, the present work aims to restore connectivity between the city and the port area through an urban and artistic restructuring in Hinterlândia, reiterating the essence of the Valongo neighborhood, presenting urban allegories facing the sea, contemplating dynamics of Cirque du Soleil, a circus group worldwide known for its spectacular presentations and encompassing all kinds of art, in order to integrate the entire local and tourist population, generating greater urbanity. KEY WORDS: Port of Valongo, Urban Restructuring, Reconnection, Hinterland, Urban Allegories.
In general, port cities have similar configurations to each other. The dependence between the past, present and future causes projects to develop that interconnect in the timeless state. The hallmarks delimit a starting point for the future, recognizing changes that fit with the development of the city. The coastal city of Santos which contains the second largest port in Latin America, according to CEPAL, adds considerably to Brazil’s economic development, be sides being the main outlet for Brazilian products. However, today admits a problem regarding the urbanity between port infrastructures and the metropolis. Taking as front of the study the sector of Valongo, a creative neighborhood of Santos that stands out not only for being the first area to consolidate the port complex, but for contemplating important public equipment of historical, tourist and cultural interest, today admits a problem regarding the disconnectivity between city and port, because there is a high flow of cargo trucks in the perimeter that prevents the arrival of pedestrians at the edge. Understanding the logics arising from the past will guide the development of panoramas that will take place in a potential future, both in terms of the develop ment of the port area and the economic, social and cultural development of Santos. Given this, the present work aims to restore connectivity between the city and the port area through an urban and artistic restructuring in Hinterlândia, reiterating the essence of the Valongo neighborhood, presenting urban allegories facing the sea, contemplating dynamics of Cirque du Soleil, a circus group worldwide known for its spectacular presentations and encompassing all kinds of art, in order to integrate the entire local and tourist population, generating greater urbanity. KEY WORDS: Port of Valongo, Urban Restructuring, Reconnection, Hinterland, Urban Allegories.
cidades portuárias , escoamento , reestruturação