A harmonização entre T. H. L. Parker e R. Albert Mohler Jr. na conceituação do propósito da pregação
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Silva, Luciano Nogueira da
Cardoso, Dario de Araujo
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O presente trabalho tem como tema as diferenças proposicionais entre T. H. L. Parker e R. Albert Mohler Jr. sobre o conceito da tarefa essencial da pregação na exposição do evangelho. Segundo Parker, o pregador deve se ocupar exclusivamente com o testemunho a ele confiado e não buscar exercer o papel de um advogado na defesa do cristianismo diante da cultura ao qual se propõe a dialogar. Para tal, ele se utiliza do conceito de pregação de Calvino no qual diz que o pregador deve expor as escrituras como sua fonte e conteúdo único, se vendo como um embaixador autorizado e enviado por Deus, e, confiando na companhia do Santo Espírito para a capacitação e persuasão dos que serão ministrados. Por outro lado, Mohler defende que numa cultura dirigida pelo pensamento pós-moderno (negação da verdade absoluta, subjetivismo e supervalorização do ego), a pregação se faz necessária como declaratória, apologética e polêmica. Apoiado na exegese de Atos 17, ele descreve os principais pontos de Paulo nesta tarefa como proclamador do evangelho diante de uma cultura descrente em Deus no areópago. Diante dessas ênfases divergentes buscar-se-á encontrar um ponto de equilíbrio e complementaridade entre a declaração do evangelho pelo pregador, como uma testemunha fidedigna dos fatos experienciados na pessoalidade e, um apologista eficaz no testemunho, não somente numa sociedade pós-moderna, mas em toda e qualquer cultura que seja descrente sobre a verdade incontestável de que Jesus Cristo é o Senhor. Para alcançar os objetivos propostos, o trabalho se enquadrará na teologia pastoral que, por delineação proposta pelo CPAJ, engloba o aconselhamento, a educação cristã, as missões urbanas e a pregação dentro de uma perspectiva calvinista histórica. Embora tenha afinidades com as demais áreas de pesquisa listadas anteriormente, o trabalho se aterá a pregação reformada como área principal de pesquisa objetivando a correlação entre o testemunho prestado pelo pregador na proclamação do evangelho e a real necessidade da apologética na tarefa proclamatória. Para tal, buscar-se-á compreender o conceito de pregação no ministério do apóstolo Paulo, pela visão de testemunha em Parker e apologeta em Mohler, a fim de compreender essa tarefa como autoritativa, centrada nas Escrituras e, obrigatoriamente voltada ao diálogo com a cultura circundante. A historicidade, a forma e os argumentos referentes à defesa da pregação expositiva não serão desenvolvidos, embora ainda haja espaço para discussão de tais temas em tempos pós modernos, como a validade e relevância da exposição bíblica perante outros eventos como o coaching.
The present work has as its theme the propositional differences between TH. L. Parker and R. Albert Mohler Jr. on the concept of the essential task of preaching in the exposition of the gospel. According to Parker, the preacher must occupy himself exclusively with the testimony entrusted to him and not seek to play the role of a lawyer in defending Christianity in the face of the culture to which he intends to dialogue. To this end, he uses Calvin's concept of preaching in which he says that the preacher must expose the scriptures as its unique source and content, seeing himself as an authorized ambassador sent by God, and trusting in the companionship of the Holy Spirit for the training and persuasion of those who will be taught. On the other hand, Mohler argues that in a culture driven by postmodern thought (denial of absolute truth, subjectivism and overvaluation of the ego), preaching is necessary as declaratory, apologetic and polemic. Based on the exegesis of Acts 17, he describes Paul's main points in this task as a proclaimer of the gospel in the face of a culture of unbelievers in God in the Areopagus. Faced with these divergent emphases, an attempt will be made to find a point of balance and complementarity between the preacher's declaration of the gospel, as a trustworthy witness of the facts experienced in the personhood, and an effective apologist in the witness, not only in a post-modern society, but in any and every culture that is unbelieving about the indisputable truth that Jesus Christ is Lord. In order to achieve the proposed objectives, the work will fit into pastoral theology which, as proposed by the CPAJ, encompasses counseling, Christian education, urban missions and preaching within a historical Calvinist perspective. Although it has affinities with the other areas of research listed above, the work will focus on Reformed preaching as the main area of research aiming at the correlation between the witness given by the preacher in the proclamation of the gospel and the real need for apologetics in the proclamation task. To this end, we will seek to understand the concept of preaching in the ministry of the apostle Paul, through the vision of witness in Parker and an apologist in Mohler, in order to understand this task as authoritative, centered on the Scriptures and, necessarily focused on dialogue with the surrounding culture. The historicity, form and arguments referring to the defense of expository preaching will not be developed, although there is still space for discussion of such themes in postmodern times, such as the validity and relevance of biblical exposition in relation to other events such as coaching.
The present work has as its theme the propositional differences between TH. L. Parker and R. Albert Mohler Jr. on the concept of the essential task of preaching in the exposition of the gospel. According to Parker, the preacher must occupy himself exclusively with the testimony entrusted to him and not seek to play the role of a lawyer in defending Christianity in the face of the culture to which he intends to dialogue. To this end, he uses Calvin's concept of preaching in which he says that the preacher must expose the scriptures as its unique source and content, seeing himself as an authorized ambassador sent by God, and trusting in the companionship of the Holy Spirit for the training and persuasion of those who will be taught. On the other hand, Mohler argues that in a culture driven by postmodern thought (denial of absolute truth, subjectivism and overvaluation of the ego), preaching is necessary as declaratory, apologetic and polemic. Based on the exegesis of Acts 17, he describes Paul's main points in this task as a proclaimer of the gospel in the face of a culture of unbelievers in God in the Areopagus. Faced with these divergent emphases, an attempt will be made to find a point of balance and complementarity between the preacher's declaration of the gospel, as a trustworthy witness of the facts experienced in the personhood, and an effective apologist in the witness, not only in a post-modern society, but in any and every culture that is unbelieving about the indisputable truth that Jesus Christ is Lord. In order to achieve the proposed objectives, the work will fit into pastoral theology which, as proposed by the CPAJ, encompasses counseling, Christian education, urban missions and preaching within a historical Calvinist perspective. Although it has affinities with the other areas of research listed above, the work will focus on Reformed preaching as the main area of research aiming at the correlation between the witness given by the preacher in the proclamation of the gospel and the real need for apologetics in the proclamation task. To this end, we will seek to understand the concept of preaching in the ministry of the apostle Paul, through the vision of witness in Parker and an apologist in Mohler, in order to understand this task as authoritative, centered on the Scriptures and, necessarily focused on dialogue with the surrounding culture. The historicity, form and arguments referring to the defense of expository preaching will not be developed, although there is still space for discussion of such themes in postmodern times, such as the validity and relevance of biblical exposition in relation to other events such as coaching.
pregação , testemunho , Apologética , pós-modernismo , preaching , A testimony , Apologetics , Postmodernism