Representação do protagonismo feminino em meio a sociedade diatópica de Jogos Vorazes
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Martins, Julia
Mattos, Cristine Fickelscherer de
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Este trabalho, que tem como corpus, o romance distópico Jogos Vorazes da escritora
estadunidense Suzanne Collins, propõe uma análise a respeito da construção de
personagens femininas, comparando a teoria da jornada da heroína observada por Maureen
Murdock, com a teoria da jornada do herói observada por Joseph Campbell.
A pesquisa busca investigar as convergências e divergências entre as duas teorias e sua
relação com a construção da personagem principal, em meio a uma sociedade distópica,
analisando se os arquétipos literários ligados a personagens principais femininas se
consolidam na obra ou não, questionando o motivo das jornadas heróicas diferirem a partir
do gênero dos personagens. Serão pontuadas as etapas da jornada do herói e da jornada
da heroína, a padronização dos personagens na literatura, a construção dos personagens e
a análise da heroína de Jogos Vorazes observando o caminho trilhado pela mesma até se
tornar um símbolo de resistência na sociedade ambientada na obra.
This work, which has as the corpus, the dystopian romance The Hunger Games written by the American author Suzanne Collins, offers an analysis regarding the female characters' construction process, comparing the heroine's journey observed by Maureen Murdock to the hero's journey observed by Joseph Campbell. This research will investigate convergences and divergences between the two theories and their relevance to the main character's construction in a dystopian society, analysing if the literary archetypes attached to female main characters do consolidate by questioning the reasons why the heroic journey differ depending on the gender of the character. The subjects that will be analyzed are the hero's journey, heroine's journey, the character's patterns on literature, the character's construction and the analysis about The Hunger Games main character, observing the path she went through until she became the resistance symbol in the book'’ society.
This work, which has as the corpus, the dystopian romance The Hunger Games written by the American author Suzanne Collins, offers an analysis regarding the female characters' construction process, comparing the heroine's journey observed by Maureen Murdock to the hero's journey observed by Joseph Campbell. This research will investigate convergences and divergences between the two theories and their relevance to the main character's construction in a dystopian society, analysing if the literary archetypes attached to female main characters do consolidate by questioning the reasons why the heroic journey differ depending on the gender of the character. The subjects that will be analyzed are the hero's journey, heroine's journey, the character's patterns on literature, the character's construction and the analysis about The Hunger Games main character, observing the path she went through until she became the resistance symbol in the book'’ society.
romance distópico , construção de personagens , jornada heróica , dystopian romance , character's construction , heroic journey