Jornalismo, juventude e música: elementos jornalísticos em fim de semana especial – rap anos 90
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Caruzo, Victor
Prates, Vinicius
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Em sua trajetória única no universo televisivo brasileiro, a Antiga MTV Brasil foi responsável por inúmeras realizações que a identificaram desta forma. A partir de uma dessas produções: um episódio do programa Fim de Semana Especial, voltado ao desenvolvimento do Rap Nacional nos Anos 90 (tema recorrente na programação da emissora e negligenciado pela grande mídia), buscou-se estabelecer um diálogo entre a atividade jornalística da MTV com elementos clássicos das Teorias do Jornalismo. Em primeira instancia, destrinchamos o material escolhido expondo suas características estruturais, seu contexto de produção e seu conteúdo em si. Com os resultados deste processo, objetivou-se, ao mesmo tempo, encontrar o valor jornalístico e simbólico do produto audiovisual em questão. Trabalho este, possibilitado através da variação das bases teóricas utilizadas conforme a alteração dos aspectos estudados. Ora mais prático, ora mais teórico. Averiguou-se, de maneira qualitativa, que o próprio desenvolvimento intelectual e reflexivo possibilitado pela tentativa de estabelecer uma ligação entre as teorias clássicas e um jornalismo mais experimental e próximo a contemporaneidade, comprovou, por si, o inestimável valor jornalístico da obra estudada.
In its unique trajectory on the universe of Brazilian television, the so called “Old MTV Brazil” was responsible to numerous realizations which typified it that way. Based on one of these productions: an episode of the program Fim de Semana Especial, focused on the progression of the Brazilian Hip-hop along the 90’s (a recurring theme in the TV Station’s Guide, but disregard by the mainstream media), I sought to set up a dialogue between MTV’s journalistic activity and classic elements and Theories of Journalism. In the first place, I untangle the chosen material exposing its structural characteristics, its context of production and its content itself. Based on the results of this process, I intent to find, at the same time, the journalistic and symbolic value of the audio-visual production under discussion. This work was only possible due the variation of theoretical bases used according to the different matters raised, oscillating between theory and practical fundamentals. I recognized, in a qualitative way, that the intellectual and reflexive development stemmed by the attempt to stablish a connection between the classical theories and a “younger” journalism situated in a contemporaneous world, proved, by itself, the priceless journalistic value present in the corpus studied.
In its unique trajectory on the universe of Brazilian television, the so called “Old MTV Brazil” was responsible to numerous realizations which typified it that way. Based on one of these productions: an episode of the program Fim de Semana Especial, focused on the progression of the Brazilian Hip-hop along the 90’s (a recurring theme in the TV Station’s Guide, but disregard by the mainstream media), I sought to set up a dialogue between MTV’s journalistic activity and classic elements and Theories of Journalism. In the first place, I untangle the chosen material exposing its structural characteristics, its context of production and its content itself. Based on the results of this process, I intent to find, at the same time, the journalistic and symbolic value of the audio-visual production under discussion. This work was only possible due the variation of theoretical bases used according to the different matters raised, oscillating between theory and practical fundamentals. I recognized, in a qualitative way, that the intellectual and reflexive development stemmed by the attempt to stablish a connection between the classical theories and a “younger” journalism situated in a contemporaneous world, proved, by itself, the priceless journalistic value present in the corpus studied.
jornalismo , MTV Brasil , rap nacional , teorias do jornalismo , journalism , MTV Brasil , brazilian hip-hop , theories of journalism