Viabilidade de produção de soja sem capital próprio
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Nour, Ricardo Antonio Abdul
Batalha, Elton Duarte
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A soja é importante commodity agrícola para o setor agroalimentar do Brasil, como fonte de proteína e óleo de soja com múltiplos usos na alimentação humana e ração animal e inúmeras aplicações industriais. A soja é cultivada em muitos países em regiões temperadas, subtropicais e tropicais. Um dos principais produtores é o Brasil. Nos últimos anos a produção de soja vem aumentando rapidamente, uma tendência que provavelmente continuará. Como questão se apresentou: É possível a produção de soja em terras arrendadas ser lucrativa para o empreendedor, utilizando como fonte de financiamento exclusivamente o crédito rural? Teve como objetivo geral, portanto, verificar se a produção de soja em terras arrendadas é viável para o empreendedor, utilizando como fonte de financiamento exclusivamente o Crédito Rural. E, como objetivos específicos: conceituar Crédito Rural e arrendamento de terras para produção; desenvolver arcabouço teórico sobre contabilidade rural, custos de produção, indicadores de desempenho econômico e análise de viabilidade; identificar as despesas, custos, receitas com a cultura de soja e; demonstrar a viabilidade atividade de soja na condição de plantação de terras arrendadas com financiamento exclusivo pelo Crédito Rural.
Soy is an important agricultural commodity for Brazil's agrifood sector, as a source of protein and soybean oil with multiple uses in human food and animal feed and numerous industrial applications. Soy is grown in many countries in temperate, subtropical and tropical regions. One of the main producers is Brazil. In recent years soybeanSoy is an important agricultural commodity for Brazil's agrifood sector, as a source of protein and soybean oil with multiple uses in human food and animal feed and numerous industrial applications. Soy is grown in many countries in temperate, subtropical and tropical regions. One of the main producers is Brazil. In recent years soybean production has been increasing rapidly, a trend that is likely to continue. As a question was posed: Is it possible for soy production on leased land to be profitable for the entrepreneur, using exclusively rural credit as a source of financing? The general objective was to verify if the production of soybeans on leased land is viable for the entrepreneur, using exclusively rural credit as a source of financing. And, as specific objectives: conceptualize Rural Credit and land leasing for production; develop theoretical framework on rural accounting, production costs, economic performance indicators and feasibility analysis; identify the expenses, costs, revenues with soybean culture and; demonstrate the feasibility of soybean activity in the condition of leased land planting with exclusive financing by Rural Credit. production has been increasing rapidly, a trend that is likely to continue. As a question was posed: Is it possible for soy production on leased land to be profitable for the entrepreneur, using exclusively rural credit as a source of financing? The general objective was to verify if the production of soybeans on leased land is viable for the entrepreneur, using exclusively rural credit as a source of financing. And, as specific objectives: conceptualize Rural Credit and land leasing for production; develop theoretical framework on rural accounting, production costs, economic performance indicators and feasibility analysis; identify the expenses, costs, revenues with soybean culture and; demonstrate the feasibility of soybean activity in the condition of leased land planting with exclusive financing by Rural Credit.
Soy is an important agricultural commodity for Brazil's agrifood sector, as a source of protein and soybean oil with multiple uses in human food and animal feed and numerous industrial applications. Soy is grown in many countries in temperate, subtropical and tropical regions. One of the main producers is Brazil. In recent years soybeanSoy is an important agricultural commodity for Brazil's agrifood sector, as a source of protein and soybean oil with multiple uses in human food and animal feed and numerous industrial applications. Soy is grown in many countries in temperate, subtropical and tropical regions. One of the main producers is Brazil. In recent years soybean production has been increasing rapidly, a trend that is likely to continue. As a question was posed: Is it possible for soy production on leased land to be profitable for the entrepreneur, using exclusively rural credit as a source of financing? The general objective was to verify if the production of soybeans on leased land is viable for the entrepreneur, using exclusively rural credit as a source of financing. And, as specific objectives: conceptualize Rural Credit and land leasing for production; develop theoretical framework on rural accounting, production costs, economic performance indicators and feasibility analysis; identify the expenses, costs, revenues with soybean culture and; demonstrate the feasibility of soybean activity in the condition of leased land planting with exclusive financing by Rural Credit. production has been increasing rapidly, a trend that is likely to continue. As a question was posed: Is it possible for soy production on leased land to be profitable for the entrepreneur, using exclusively rural credit as a source of financing? The general objective was to verify if the production of soybeans on leased land is viable for the entrepreneur, using exclusively rural credit as a source of financing. And, as specific objectives: conceptualize Rural Credit and land leasing for production; develop theoretical framework on rural accounting, production costs, economic performance indicators and feasibility analysis; identify the expenses, costs, revenues with soybean culture and; demonstrate the feasibility of soybean activity in the condition of leased land planting with exclusive financing by Rural Credit.
produção de soja , arrendamento de terras , financiamento , crédito rural , soybean production , land leasing , financing , rural credit