Análise jurídica da entrada do Mickey de Steamboat Willie em domínio público
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Bortolatto, Caio de Castro
Marinho, Maria Edelvacy Pinto
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A notícia de que Mickey Mouse, um dos personagens mais famosos no mundo, poderia finalmente entrar em domínio público surpreendeu muitas pessoas. Sendo um conceito desconhecido por muitos, diversas dúvidas começaram a surgir para o público, que ansiava em entender se uma figura extremamente querida mundialmente poderia simplesmente ser utilizada por alguém que não a Disney, a exclusiva detentora de seus direitos. Por meio deste estudo, propõe-se analisar tal caso por meio dos conceitos na área de propriedade intelectual, tanto brasileiro quanto americano, com o intuito de esclarecer o porquê não ocorrerá um simples uso por terceiros do camundongo. Assim como nos indagarmos a respeito de quais as consequências advindas da vindoura entrada do personagem em domínio público, como o personagem se manteve por tanto tempo como uma propriedade exclusiva da Disney e qual foi a influência da empresa nesse processo.
The news regarding the fact that Mickey Mouse, one of the most famous characters worldwide, could finally enter the public domain surprised many people. Being a concept unknown by many, numerous doubts started to emerge among the public, who craved to understand if someone other than Disney, the sole owner of the rights, could simply use an extremely beloved figure around the world. Throughout this study, the desired purpose is to analyze the case through concepts in the area of intellectual property, both on Brazilian and American legislations, with the intention of catering to the question of why there isn't going to be the sole use of the mouse by third parties. As we do that, we might also ask ourselves about the consequences arising from the character’s entrance into the public domain, how it remains for so long as an exclusive property of Disney, and what was the company’s influence in this process.
The news regarding the fact that Mickey Mouse, one of the most famous characters worldwide, could finally enter the public domain surprised many people. Being a concept unknown by many, numerous doubts started to emerge among the public, who craved to understand if someone other than Disney, the sole owner of the rights, could simply use an extremely beloved figure around the world. Throughout this study, the desired purpose is to analyze the case through concepts in the area of intellectual property, both on Brazilian and American legislations, with the intention of catering to the question of why there isn't going to be the sole use of the mouse by third parties. As we do that, we might also ask ourselves about the consequences arising from the character’s entrance into the public domain, how it remains for so long as an exclusive property of Disney, and what was the company’s influence in this process.
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direitos autorais , marcas registradas , domínio público , public domain , copyright , trademarks