Os desafios para a operacionalização da logística reversa de eletroeletrônicos no município de São Paulo
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Franco, Giovanna Andressa
Rosario, Ricardo Pedro Guazzelli
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Nos termos do art. 3º, XII, da Lei Federal nº 12.305/2010, a logística reversa é um
instrumento de desenvolvimento econômico e social caracterizado por um conjunto de ações,
procedimentos e meios destinados a viabilizar a coleta e a restituição dos resíduos sólidos ao
setor empresarial, para reaproveitamento, em seu ciclo ou em outros ciclos produtivos, ou outra
destinação final ambientalmente adequada. Nesse contexto, faz-se necessária a discussão de sua
aplicação quanto aos eletroeletrônicos, considerando o crescimento do consumo desse tipo de
produto. Para melhor análise da logística reversa de eletroeletrônicos, o trabalho teve como foco
o Município de São Paulo, considerando seus fatores sociais, econômicos, populacionais e,
principalmente, a edição da recente Lei Municipal nº 17.471/2020, que estabelece a
obrigatoriedade da implantação de logística reversa de diversos produtos, inclusive, os
eletroeletrônicos. Os principais desafios encontrados para a garantir a efetiva operacionalização
da logística reversa de eletroeletrônicos no Município de São Paulo foram: (i) desconhecimento
populacional sobre o tema e a norma; (ii) custos envolvidos; (iii) especificidades para o descarte
ambientalmente adequado; e (iv) ausência de norma municipal própria para os eletroeletrônicos.
A título de possíveis soluções, o trabalho buscou demonstrar a importância de mecanismos para
disseminação de informações, parcerias com instituições, formas de estimular a população a
realizar o descarte apropriado de eletroeletrônicos e instrumentos trazidos por normas de todos
os âmbitos (federal, estadual e municipal) que se complementam e auxiliam no
desenvolvimento do sistema de logística reversa de eletroeletrônicos.
According to art. 3, XII, of Law No. 12.305/2010, reverse logistics is an instrument of economic and social development characterized by a set of actions, procedures and means to enable the collection and return of solid waste to the business sector, for reuse, in its cycle or in other production cycles, or other environmentally appropriate final destination. In this context, it is necessary to discuss its application regarding electronic devices, considering the growth in consumption of this category of product. This study focused on the Municipality of São Paulo, considering its social, economic and population factors and, especially, the issuance of the recent Municipal Law No. 17.471/2020, which establishes the mandatory implementation of reverse logistics for various products, including electronics. The main challenges encountered to guarantee the effective operationalization of reverse logistics for electronics in the Municipality of São Paulo were: (i) lack of population knowledge about the theme and the norm; (ii) costs involved; (iii) specificities for the environmentally adequate disposal and (iv) absence of a municipal norm specific for electronics. Concerning possible solutions, this study sought to demonstrate the importance of mechanisms to disseminate information, partnerships with institutions, ways to encourage the population to appropriately dispose electronics and instruments from norms of all levels (federal, state and municipal) that complement each other and assist in the development of the reverse logistics system for electronics.
According to art. 3, XII, of Law No. 12.305/2010, reverse logistics is an instrument of economic and social development characterized by a set of actions, procedures and means to enable the collection and return of solid waste to the business sector, for reuse, in its cycle or in other production cycles, or other environmentally appropriate final destination. In this context, it is necessary to discuss its application regarding electronic devices, considering the growth in consumption of this category of product. This study focused on the Municipality of São Paulo, considering its social, economic and population factors and, especially, the issuance of the recent Municipal Law No. 17.471/2020, which establishes the mandatory implementation of reverse logistics for various products, including electronics. The main challenges encountered to guarantee the effective operationalization of reverse logistics for electronics in the Municipality of São Paulo were: (i) lack of population knowledge about the theme and the norm; (ii) costs involved; (iii) specificities for the environmentally adequate disposal and (iv) absence of a municipal norm specific for electronics. Concerning possible solutions, this study sought to demonstrate the importance of mechanisms to disseminate information, partnerships with institutions, ways to encourage the population to appropriately dispose electronics and instruments from norms of all levels (federal, state and municipal) that complement each other and assist in the development of the reverse logistics system for electronics.
Trabalho indicado pela banca examinadora ao Prêmio TCC
logística reversa , eletroeletrônicos , município de São Paulo , desafios , reverse logistics , electrical and electronic products , municipality of São Paulo , challenges