Pena e medidas patrimoniais no direito penal econômico-corporativo
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Mega, Leonardo da Silva
Figueiredo, Maria Patrícia Vanzolini
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Membros da banca
O presente trabalho objetivou analisar a criminalidade econômico-corporativa, sua estrutura,
organização e consequências para a coletividade. O estudo foi construído através do exame da
pena e de suas utilidades, além das diferenças existentes em sua aplicação na chamada
delinquência comum e nos crimes do colarinho branco. A reflexão sobre a criminologia e de
suas teorias, assim como de sua evolução temporal, foi de grande importância para a
compreensão da delituosidade corporativa, que se comporta discretamente e de maneira
extremamente organizada, tendo suas atividades segmentadas, comparando-se com estruturas
corporativas lícitas e, consequentemente, dificultando a individualização de condutas. A
delinquência econômica se utiliza da casta social de seus agentes para dificultar a persecução
penal, que encontra certa imunidade e resistência no poderio econômico e no status social
desses indivíduos. O presente trabalho também buscou compreender a função exercida pela
mídia em ações penais relacionadas ao Direito Penal Econômico, que conduz e manipula a
opinião da população pressionando, intensamente, a gerência desses procedimentos judiciais.
Algumas medidas patrimoniais que podem ser impostas no curso da investigação e ação
penal, e suas efetividades, limites legais e possíveis abusos, também foram de notável
relevância para este estudo.
The present study aimed to analyze economic-corporate crime, its structure, organization and consequences for the community. The study was built by examining the penalty and its uses, in addition to the differences in its application in the so-called common delinquency and white-collar crimes. The reflection on criminology and its theories, as well as its temporal evolution, was of great importance for the understanding of corporate criminality, which behaves discreetly and in an extremely organized manner, with its activities segmented, comparing itself with legal corporate structures and, consequently, hindering the individualization of conducts. Economic crime uses the social caste of its agents to hinder criminal prosecution, which finds certain immunity and resistance in the economic power and social status of these individuals. The present work also sought to understand the role played by the media in criminal actions related to Economic Criminal Law, which leads and manipulates the opinion of the population, putting intense pressure on the management of these judicial procedures. Some patrimonial measures that can be imposed in the course of the investigation and prosecution, and their effectiveness, legal limits and possible abuses, were also of remarkable relevance for this study.
The present study aimed to analyze economic-corporate crime, its structure, organization and consequences for the community. The study was built by examining the penalty and its uses, in addition to the differences in its application in the so-called common delinquency and white-collar crimes. The reflection on criminology and its theories, as well as its temporal evolution, was of great importance for the understanding of corporate criminality, which behaves discreetly and in an extremely organized manner, with its activities segmented, comparing itself with legal corporate structures and, consequently, hindering the individualization of conducts. Economic crime uses the social caste of its agents to hinder criminal prosecution, which finds certain immunity and resistance in the economic power and social status of these individuals. The present work also sought to understand the role played by the media in criminal actions related to Economic Criminal Law, which leads and manipulates the opinion of the population, putting intense pressure on the management of these judicial procedures. Some patrimonial measures that can be imposed in the course of the investigation and prosecution, and their effectiveness, legal limits and possible abuses, were also of remarkable relevance for this study.
crime de colarinho branco , perdimento de bens , tributação do ilícito , direito penal de classe , white collar-crime , foremost of property , taxation of the illicit , class criminal law