O jornalismo brasileiro no universo dos esportes eletrônicos
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Mendes, Alan Pavani
Ranieri, Paulo Rodrigo
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O jornalismo esportivo no Brasil não se resume apenas em futebol e televisão. Hoje
em dia, a modernidade obriga o jornalismo a migrar para a internet e acompanhar o
crescimento de esportes que antes não tinham tanta visibilidade, como os eletrônicos,
que cresceram e se desenvolveram também na web. Então qual a relação entre
jornalismo e e-Sports? O trabalho em questão tem o objetivo de responder o porquê
das duas áreas se complementarem, uma vez que o jornalismo em crise precisa dos
esportes eletrônicos para abrir uma nova oportunidade de trabalho e os e-Sports
precisam do jornalismo para se expandir e atingir todas as camadas da sociedade. O
desenvolvimento do site mostra que tratar os e-Sports como “esporte” é um dever da
profissão, o que acarretará também na quebra do preconceito que existe no universo
de games. Ao mesmo tempo, o trabalho expõe a grandiosidade que já se tornou esse
mercado e o potencial futuro que o mesmo carrega.
Sports journalism in Brazil is not just about soccer and television. Nowadays, modernity forces journalism to migrate to the internet and keep up with the growth of sports that previously lacked visibility, such as electronics, which grew and developed on the web. So what is the relationship between journalism and e-Sports? The task in question aims to answer why the two areas complement each other, since journalism, in a period of crisis, needs electronic sports to open up a new job opportunity and e-Sports need journalism to expand and reach all layers of society. The development of the site shows that treating e-Sports as a "sport" is a profession's duty, which will also lead to the breakdown of the prejudice that exists in the universe of games. At the same time, the work exposes the greatness that has already become this market and the future potential that it carries.
Sports journalism in Brazil is not just about soccer and television. Nowadays, modernity forces journalism to migrate to the internet and keep up with the growth of sports that previously lacked visibility, such as electronics, which grew and developed on the web. So what is the relationship between journalism and e-Sports? The task in question aims to answer why the two areas complement each other, since journalism, in a period of crisis, needs electronic sports to open up a new job opportunity and e-Sports need journalism to expand and reach all layers of society. The development of the site shows that treating e-Sports as a "sport" is a profession's duty, which will also lead to the breakdown of the prejudice that exists in the universe of games. At the same time, the work exposes the greatness that has already become this market and the future potential that it carries.
e-sports , esporte , jornalismo de games , esportes eletrônicos , jornalismo esportivo , jogos , mídia-digita , e-sports , sport , e-sports journalism , eletronics sports , sports journalism , games , digital media