Cláusulas de proteção a acionistas minoritários em acordos de acionistas de companhias fechadas
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Ruzzante, José Guilherme de Godoy Pereira
Barbosa Filho, Marcelo Fortes
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Membros da banca
Os acordos de acionistas são comumente celebrados entre os detentores de ações de
sociedades anônimas com a finalidade de positivar, de forma contratual, suas posições sobre
pontos como direito de voto, compra e venda de ações e administração da sociedade durante o
curso de sua atividade empresarial. Sabe-se que, na maioria das vezes, uma sociedade anônima
é detida por um grupo controlador, podendo este ser composto de um ou mais acionistas e, de
outro lado, um grupo de acionistas minoritários, podendo este também ser constituído de um
ou mais acionistas. Mesmo que estes dois grupos possuam a affectio societatis permeando seu
relacionamento, muitas vezes os interesses destes dois conjuntos de acionistas mostram-se
diversos, surgindo então a necessidade de um acordo de acionistas para regulação de seus
interesses, fazendo com que em situações de divergência, prevaleça o que foi ajustado no
acordo. O presente artigo visa discutir a importância dos meios de proteção aos acionistas
minoritários, uma vez que, estando em desfavor com relação ao percentual detido no capital
social em face dos acionistas majoritários, devem ter seus direitos e interesses resguardados,
necessitando de meios de anteparo frente aos anseios do grupo controlador e seus eventuais
abusos de poder.
Shareholder agreements are commonly entered into and between the holders of shares of a joint-stock company for the purpose of contractually confirming their positions on voting rights, buying and selling the company’s shares and the management the company during the course of its business activity. It is known that, in most cases, a corporation is held by a controlling group, which may be composed by one or more shareholders, and, on the other hand, a group of minority shareholders, which may also be constituted by one or more shareholders. Even though these two groups have the affectio societatis permeating their relationship, the interests of these two blocks of shareholders are often different, and the need for a shareholders' agreement to regulate their interests arises, which means that in situations of divergence, it must prevail what was adjusted in the agreement. This article aims to discuss the importance of means of protection for minority shareholders, since, being at a disadvantage in relation to the percentage held in the share capital vis-à-vis the majority shareholders, their rights and interests must be safeguarded, requiring means of protection against the controlling shareholders and their possible misuse of power.
Shareholder agreements are commonly entered into and between the holders of shares of a joint-stock company for the purpose of contractually confirming their positions on voting rights, buying and selling the company’s shares and the management the company during the course of its business activity. It is known that, in most cases, a corporation is held by a controlling group, which may be composed by one or more shareholders, and, on the other hand, a group of minority shareholders, which may also be constituted by one or more shareholders. Even though these two groups have the affectio societatis permeating their relationship, the interests of these two blocks of shareholders are often different, and the need for a shareholders' agreement to regulate their interests arises, which means that in situations of divergence, it must prevail what was adjusted in the agreement. This article aims to discuss the importance of means of protection for minority shareholders, since, being at a disadvantage in relation to the percentage held in the share capital vis-à-vis the majority shareholders, their rights and interests must be safeguarded, requiring means of protection against the controlling shareholders and their possible misuse of power.
acordo de acionistas , acionistas minoritários , direito de preferência , shareholders agreement , minority shareholders , preemptive right