A multiplicidade de sanções e a possibilidade de incidência de non bis in idem entre os acordo de leniência da CGU e do CADE
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Pereira, Ana Flavia Alves
Bechara, Fábio Ramazzini
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O presente artigo possui como enfoque discorrer sobre a multiplicidade de sanções e a possibilidade de incidência de non bis in idem entre os acordos de leniência da CGU e do CADE, ante recente mudança de entendimento doutrinário, institucional e do Supremo Tribunal Federal sobre o assunto. Com isso, este estudo possui o objetivo de dissertar sobre: (i) os acordos de leniência propostos pelas Leis 12.529/2011 e 12.846/2013, de modo a compará-los; (ii) o princípio do non bis in idem e a sua evolução perante os olhos da doutrina; (iii) a superação do princípio da primazia da separação de poderes por parte no princípio do non bis in idem; e (iv) o Acordo de Cooperação Técnica celebrado entre AGU, CGU, TCU e CADE.
This article focuses on the multiplicity of sanctions and the possibility of the incidence of non bis in idem within the leniency agreements of CGU and CADE, given the recent change in doctrine interpretation, as well as institutional, such as the newest understanding of the Federal Supreme Court on the matter. Thus, the purpose of this article is to discuss (i) the leniency agreements proposed by Laws 12.529/2011 and 12.846/2013, in order to compare them; (ii) the principle of non bis in idem and its evolution before the eyes of the doctrine; (iii) the overcoming of the principle of the primacy of the separation of powers by part in the principle of non bis in idem; and (iv) the Technical Cooperation Agreement which was signed by the AGU, CGU, TCU and CADE.
This article focuses on the multiplicity of sanctions and the possibility of the incidence of non bis in idem within the leniency agreements of CGU and CADE, given the recent change in doctrine interpretation, as well as institutional, such as the newest understanding of the Federal Supreme Court on the matter. Thus, the purpose of this article is to discuss (i) the leniency agreements proposed by Laws 12.529/2011 and 12.846/2013, in order to compare them; (ii) the principle of non bis in idem and its evolution before the eyes of the doctrine; (iii) the overcoming of the principle of the primacy of the separation of powers by part in the principle of non bis in idem; and (iv) the Technical Cooperation Agreement which was signed by the AGU, CGU, TCU and CADE.
non bis in idem , direito administrativo sancionador , acordos de leniência , sanctioning administrative law , leniency agreements