A responsabilidade ambiental no contrato de arrendamento rural
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Zacharias, João Pedro Sab
Rosário, Ricardo Pedro Guazzelli
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O presente trabalho pretende analisar a responsabilidade ambiental em relação às partes do contrato de arrendamento em caso de possíveis danos ao meio ambiente na área arrendada. Para tanto, analisou-se os conceitos norteadores do contrato de arredamento, as obrigações ambientais previstas pelo Código Florestal, bem como as peculiaridades dos tipos de responsabilidades ambientais previstos pela Constituição Federal de 1988 com base em doutrina e jurisprudência. Assim, concluiu-se que, em se tratando das responsabilidades ambientais administrativa e penal, em regra, serão fixadas ao sujeito que possui ingerência direta sobre a área e que efetivamente cometeu as infrações ambientais (arrendatário), visto seu caráter subjetivo. Em sentido oposto, a responsabilidade ambiental civil, por possuir caráter objetivo, sendo considerada solidária entre os agentes envolvidos nos danos ambientais causados, será fixada tanto para o proprietário, quanto ao arrendatário. Ainda, caso haja alguma cláusula contratual de responsabilidade ambiental sobre os danos, a jurisprudência majoritária possui o entendimento de que será irrelevante, uma vez que a responsabilidade é solidária e a obrigação de reparação de danos ambientais é propter rem.
This article aims to analyze the environmental responsibilities regarding the parties in a rural lease agreement in the event of environmental damages. For that, it was analyzed the parts of a lease agreement, the environmental obligations contained in the Forest Code and the particularities of the types of environmental responsibility defined in the 1988’s Federal Constitution as seen in jurisprudence and legal doctrine. Therefore, it can be concluded that administrative and criminal responsibilities are inflicted to the party that directly committed environmental infractions, the lessee, given its subjective aspect. On the other hand, both lesser and lessee are prone to be taken responsible in the civil instance, given its objective aspect, since this type of responsibility is solidary. Finally, the major jurisprudence understands that clauses that previously stipulate the responsible for any environmental damage is not effective, since the responsibility is solidary, and the reparation of the environmental damages are propter rem.
This article aims to analyze the environmental responsibilities regarding the parties in a rural lease agreement in the event of environmental damages. For that, it was analyzed the parts of a lease agreement, the environmental obligations contained in the Forest Code and the particularities of the types of environmental responsibility defined in the 1988’s Federal Constitution as seen in jurisprudence and legal doctrine. Therefore, it can be concluded that administrative and criminal responsibilities are inflicted to the party that directly committed environmental infractions, the lessee, given its subjective aspect. On the other hand, both lesser and lessee are prone to be taken responsible in the civil instance, given its objective aspect, since this type of responsibility is solidary. Finally, the major jurisprudence understands that clauses that previously stipulate the responsible for any environmental damage is not effective, since the responsibility is solidary, and the reparation of the environmental damages are propter rem.
direito ambiental , dano ambiental , obrigação ambiental , responsabilidade ambiental , environmental law , environmental damage , environmental obligation , environmental responsibility