A consolidação do sistema de precedentes pelo CPC/15 e seus reflexos tributários
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Mecca, Sofia Chiara
Fiorin, Rangel Perrucci
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Além das crises econômicas e políticas, muito comentadas na atualidade, a sociedade brasileira se encontra imersa na crise do direito, advinda, principalmente, da discricionariedade do poder julgador em relação à pertinência ou não de se aplicar determinado comando prescritivo, bem como em razão da sobrecarga do Poder Judiciário brasileiro. Por isso, a necessidade de se repensar o Direito – e aqui é dado destaque ao direito tributário – com vistas a torná-lo mais racional e estável é uma realidade no Brasil, questionando-se em que medida a maneira de fundamentar e justificar as decisões judiciais poderia influenciar sobre o fenômeno da tributação. É nesse cenário que o presente trabalho tem o fito de demonstrar a relevância da teoria dos precedentes judiciais, introduzida, paulatinamente no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, com indícios na Constituição Federal de 1988 e marco de consolidação no Código de Processo de 2015, bem como discorrer sobre os seus reflexos no direito tributário brasileiro. Por meio da análise de temas de alta relevância nessa complexa matéria, reflexões aprofundadas foram feitas a respeito da contribuição da consolidação dos precedentes na busca por uma relação equilibrada entre Estado e cidadãos no campo fiscal e, ainda, sobre o seu papel na concretização de importantes princípios do Estado de Direito.
Besides the economic and political crises, which are much discussed today, Brazilian society is immersed in crisis of law, arising, mainly from the discretion of the judging power in relation to the pertinence or not of applying a certain prescriptive command, as well as due to the overload of the Brazilian Judiciary. Therefore, the need to rethink the law - and here the emphasis is on tax law - with a view to making it more rational and stable is a reality in Brazil, questioning to what extent the way to base and justify decisions could influence the phenomenon of taxation. It is in this scenario that the present work aims to demonstrate the relevance of the theory of judicial precedents, gradually introduced in the Brazilian legal system, with evidence in the Constituição Federal de 1988 and consolidation milestone in the Código de Processo Civil de 2015, as well as to discuss about its effects on Brazilian tax law. Through the analysis of highly relevant topics in this complex matter, in-depth reflections were made on the contribution of the consolidation of precedents in the search for a balanced relationship between the State and citizens in the fiscal field and, also, on the importance of this system in the realization of important principles of the rule of law.
Besides the economic and political crises, which are much discussed today, Brazilian society is immersed in crisis of law, arising, mainly from the discretion of the judging power in relation to the pertinence or not of applying a certain prescriptive command, as well as due to the overload of the Brazilian Judiciary. Therefore, the need to rethink the law - and here the emphasis is on tax law - with a view to making it more rational and stable is a reality in Brazil, questioning to what extent the way to base and justify decisions could influence the phenomenon of taxation. It is in this scenario that the present work aims to demonstrate the relevance of the theory of judicial precedents, gradually introduced in the Brazilian legal system, with evidence in the Constituição Federal de 1988 and consolidation milestone in the Código de Processo Civil de 2015, as well as to discuss about its effects on Brazilian tax law. Through the analysis of highly relevant topics in this complex matter, in-depth reflections were made on the contribution of the consolidation of precedents in the search for a balanced relationship between the State and citizens in the fiscal field and, also, on the importance of this system in the realization of important principles of the rule of law.
precedentes judiciais , Código de Processo Civil de 2015 , direito tributário , isonomia , judicial precedents , tax law , isonomy , legal security