Responsabilidade civil por abandono afetivo
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Ferreira, Juliana Garcia
Bdine Junior, Hamid Charaf
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O presente estudo tem a intenção de demonstrar as razões pela qual pode-se recorrer ao judiciário requerendo a indenização por abandono afetivo de pais negligentes, através da Responsabilidade Civil. Para isto, executou-se a análise a partir de grandes doutrinadores do direito, acerca do conceito e evolução do direito de família, verificando-se que o afeto é primordial para a existência de fortes laços familiares. Assim, constatou-se que a partir dos princípios essenciais ao direito de família, como a dignidade da pessoa humana, da proteção integral de crianças e adolescentes, da paternidade responsável e planejamento familiar, que é possível resguardar condições fundamentais e básicas para o desenvolvimento de crianças e adolescentes de forma saudável e segura, a partir da convivência entre pais e filhos e assistência moral, principalmente. Nessa perspectiva, buscou-se esclarecer sobre os deveres dos genitores da formação psicossocial de seus filhos, através das determinações da Constituição Federal de 1988, o Código Civil de 2002 e o Estatuto da Criança e Adolescente de 1990. Além disso, procurou-se evidenciar acerca dos efeitos negativos que a ausência do dever de cuidado pode acarretar no desenvolvimento da prole, deixando traumas irreparáveis. Para isso, foram feitas algumas considerações sobre o instituto da Responsabilidade Civil e as suas espécies. Por fim, apontam-se os motivos pelos quais os filhos procuram o judiciário para pleitear pela indenização por abandono afetivo, suas consequências e posicionamentos contrários e favoráveis ao dever de indenizar.
The present study intends to demonstrate the reasons why it is possible to go to the judiciary requesting the indemnity for affective abandonment of negligent parents, through the Civil Liability. For this, the analysis was carried out from great legal doctrines, about the concept and evolution of family law, verifying that affection is paramount for the existence of strong family ties. It was found that from the essential principles of family law, such as the dignity of the human person, the full protection of children and adolescents, responsible parenthood and family planning, that it is possible to safeguard fundamental and basic conditions for the development of children and adolescents in a healthy and safe way, from the coexistence between parents and children and moral assistance, mainly. It was sought to clarify the duties of the parents of the psychosocial training of their children, through the determinations of the Federal Constitution of 1988, the Civil Code of 2002 and the Statute of the Child and Adolescent of 1990. Also, we sought to highlight the negative effects that the absence of a duty of care can cause in the development of offspring, leaving irreparable traumas. For this, some considerations were made about the Civil Liability Institute and its species. Finally, the reasons why the children seek the judiciary to plead for indemnity for affective abandonment, its consequences, and positions contrary to and favorable to do it.
The present study intends to demonstrate the reasons why it is possible to go to the judiciary requesting the indemnity for affective abandonment of negligent parents, through the Civil Liability. For this, the analysis was carried out from great legal doctrines, about the concept and evolution of family law, verifying that affection is paramount for the existence of strong family ties. It was found that from the essential principles of family law, such as the dignity of the human person, the full protection of children and adolescents, responsible parenthood and family planning, that it is possible to safeguard fundamental and basic conditions for the development of children and adolescents in a healthy and safe way, from the coexistence between parents and children and moral assistance, mainly. It was sought to clarify the duties of the parents of the psychosocial training of their children, through the determinations of the Federal Constitution of 1988, the Civil Code of 2002 and the Statute of the Child and Adolescent of 1990. Also, we sought to highlight the negative effects that the absence of a duty of care can cause in the development of offspring, leaving irreparable traumas. For this, some considerations were made about the Civil Liability Institute and its species. Finally, the reasons why the children seek the judiciary to plead for indemnity for affective abandonment, its consequences, and positions contrary to and favorable to do it.
responsabilidade civil , abandono afetivo , dignidade da pessoa humana , desenvolvimento , civil liability , affective abandonment , dignity of human person , development