Executive functions in childhood: Assessment and preliminary normative data for Portuguese preschoolers Funções Executivas na Infância: Avaliação e Dados Normativos Preliminares para Crianças Portuguesas em Idade Pré-escolar
Data de publicação
Revista Iberoamericana de Diagnostico y Evaluacion Psicologica
Citações (Scopus)
Pereira A.P.P.
Dias N.M.
Araujo A.M.
Seabra A.G.
Dias N.M.
Araujo A.M.
Seabra A.G.
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© 2018 AIDEP. All rights reserved.The present study investigated validity evidence of the Cancellation Attention Test (CAT) and Trail Making Test for Preschoolers (TMT-P) and provided preliminary standards for Portuguese preschoolers. A total of 105 five and six year-old children were evaluated with the CAT (attention) and the TMT-P (cognitive flexibility). There was an age effect for TAC, with better performance of 6-years-old, suggesting different developmental trajectories for the assessed skills. Low to high relationships were observed between indices of the same instrument, and low to moderate between performances in both tests. There was a significant difference between the Portuguese sample performance and the Brazilian standards in most of the measures. Standard scores were calculated. Validity evidence and preliminary standards for assessment instruments in Portuguese preschoolers are provided.