A crescente participação feminina no agronegócio
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Gonçalves, Felipe Gustavo Moreira
Lorençato, Arnaldo Marcilio Monteiro
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Membros da banca
O agronegócio brasileiro é um dos principais componentes da economia, responsável por boa
parcela do Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) do país e pela geração de milhares de empregos
anualmente. Devido a cultura social e outros diversos fatores, a presença dos homens no setor
era predominante. Com o decorrer do tempo, as mulheres começaram a fazer parte do campo,
da administração ou de áreas ligadas ao agronegócio, cada vez mais mostrando o valor e
importância da presença feminina no agro. Atualmente, o número de mulheres presentes em
cursos ligados ao agronegócio já é superior aos homens, e podemos ver, também,
propriedades sendo dirigidas por elas. É possível notar que ainda falta muito para que a
igualdade em diversos aspectos e o respeito sejam iguais entre homens e mulheres, mas em
cada exemplo conseguimos ver que elas estão dispostas a pagar o preço para que no futuro o
mundo e a sociedade sejam mais igualitários.
Brazilian agribusiness is one of the main components of the economy, responsible for a good portion of the country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and for the generation of thousands of jobs annually. Due to social culture and several other factors, the presence of men in the sector used to be predominant. As time went by, women started to be part of the field, of the administration, or of areas related to agribusiness, increasingly showing the value and importance of the female presence in agribusiness. Currently, the number of women in agribusiness-related courses is already higher than that of men, and we can also see farms being run by them. It is possible to notice that there is still a long way to go before equality in several aspects and respect are equal between men and women, but in each example we can see that they are willing to pay the price so that in the future the world and society will be more equal.
Brazilian agribusiness is one of the main components of the economy, responsible for a good portion of the country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and for the generation of thousands of jobs annually. Due to social culture and several other factors, the presence of men in the sector used to be predominant. As time went by, women started to be part of the field, of the administration, or of areas related to agribusiness, increasingly showing the value and importance of the female presence in agribusiness. Currently, the number of women in agribusiness-related courses is already higher than that of men, and we can also see farms being run by them. It is possible to notice that there is still a long way to go before equality in several aspects and respect are equal between men and women, but in each example we can see that they are willing to pay the price so that in the future the world and society will be more equal.
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agronegócio , mulheres , campo , economia , Brasil , participação , agribusiness , women , countryside , economy , Brazil , participation