Medidas de austeridade e o impacto nas políticas públicas de combate à violência contra mulher
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Lekich, Victoria
Cardia, Ana Cláudia Ruy
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As medidas de austeridade, que significam um rigor no controle de gastos, passou a ser aderida por Estados como um meio de superação da crise, que gerou um grande déficit público. Inúmeros Estados aderiram esse pacote de constrição, inclusive o Brasil, sendo a mais conhecida, a Emenda Constitucional n 95, titulada como “teto de gastos”, pois restringiu os gastos públicos durante 20 anos. Diante dessa mudança nos orçamentos públicos, traz uma análise da medida de austeridade implantada e seu impacto nos direitos humanos, com um foco específico nas políticas públicas de enfrentamento da violência contra mulher, conforme uma abordagem quantitativa. Dito isso, a pesquisa terá o enfoque de averiguar documentos, tendo como referencial os relatórios elaborados pela Organização das Nações Unidas, índices e dados periódicos de cortes de gastos, realizados pelo portal de transparência e as pesquisas realizadas por órgãos não governamentais. Havendo um estudo a partir da Constituição, das leis e dos tratados vigentes.
The austerity measures, which mean a rigorous control of spending, came to be adhered to by states as a means of overcoming the crisis, which generated a large public deficit. Numerous states joined this constriction package, including Brazil, the most well-known being, Constitutional Amendment n 95, entitled "spending ceiling", as it restricted public spending for 20 years. In view of this change in public budgets, it presents an analysis of the austerity measure implemented and its impact on human rights, with a specific focus on public policies to address violence against women, according to a quantitative approach. That said, the research will have the focus of searching documents, having as reference the reports prepared by the United Nations, indexes and periodical data of spending cuts, carried out by the transparency portal and the research done by non-governmental organizations. There is a study based on the Constitution, laws and treaties in force.
The austerity measures, which mean a rigorous control of spending, came to be adhered to by states as a means of overcoming the crisis, which generated a large public deficit. Numerous states joined this constriction package, including Brazil, the most well-known being, Constitutional Amendment n 95, entitled "spending ceiling", as it restricted public spending for 20 years. In view of this change in public budgets, it presents an analysis of the austerity measure implemented and its impact on human rights, with a specific focus on public policies to address violence against women, according to a quantitative approach. That said, the research will have the focus of searching documents, having as reference the reports prepared by the United Nations, indexes and periodical data of spending cuts, carried out by the transparency portal and the research done by non-governmental organizations. There is a study based on the Constitution, laws and treaties in force.
direitos humanos , medidas de austeridade , violência contra a mulher , organização das Nações Unidas , human rights , austerity measures , violence against women , United Nations organization