Seguro-garantia: como o caso americanas pode impactar a regulação do seguro-garantia
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Fanucchi, Bruno Fonseca
Pierdona, Zélia Luiza
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Membros da banca
A recente descoberta de inconsistências contábeis em Lojas Americanas S.A., no começo deste
ano, representa um dos maiores casos de recuperação judicial da história brasileira, deixando
sem pagamento inúmeros credores que, assim como a própria empresa, podem afetar
negativamente a economia do Brasil. Esse fato pode ter um impacto no mercado de segurogarantia
e sua regulação, um tipo de seguro que tem o objetivo de assegurar o cumprimento de
obrigações contratuais. Ele é utilizado em diferentes contextos, principalmente em contratos
empresariais e em licitações públicas, e pode ser contratado por empresas que vendem produtos
ou serviços a prazo e desejam se proteger contra o risco da própria inadimplência. No mercado
brasileiro, o seguro-garantia, apesar de não ser um produto novo, ultimamente vem ganhando
popularidade entre as empresas que tentam garantir suas obrigações contratuais. Como forma
de se protegerem contra o risco de inadimplência, as contrapartes poderão exigir garantias mais
sólidas após a recuperação judicial da Americanas. O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar o caso
da Americanas e o histórico da regulação do seguro garantia no Brasil, identificando os
possíveis efeitos que a recuperação judicial da empresa pode causar na regulação desse produto
no Brasil. Para isso, a pesquisa será conduzida usando fontes primárias e secundárias, incluindo
documentos oficiais da Superintendência de Seguros Privados (SUSEP), artigos, relatórios e
análise de casos similares. Espera-se que este estudo ajude na compreensão dos efeitos da
recuperação judicial da Americanas na regulação de seguro garantia, bem como no
aprimoramento desse produto no mercado brasileiro.
The recent discovery of accounting inconsistencies at Lojas Americanas S.A. earlier this year represents one of the largest judicial reorganization cases in Brazilian history, leaving numerous creditors unpaid who, like the company itself, could negatively affect Brazil's economy. This could have an impact on the surety insurance market and its regulation, a type of insurance that aims to ensure compliance with contractual obligations. It is used in different contexts, mainly in business contracts and public tenders, and can be taken out by companies that sell products or services on credit and wish to protect themselves against the risk of default. In the Brazilian market, guarantee insurance, although not a new product, has recently been gaining popularity among companies trying to guarantee their contractual obligations. As a way of protecting themselves against the risk of default, counterparties will be able to demand stronger guarantees following Americanas’ judicial reorganization. The aim of this paper is to analyze the case of Americanas and the history of surety bonds regulation in Brazil, identifying the possible effects that the company's judicial recovery will have on the regulation of this product in Brazil. To this end, the research will be conducted using primary and secondary sources, including official documents from the Superintendence of Private Insurance (SUSEP), articles, reports and analysis of similar cases. This research expects to be helpful in the understanding the effects of Americanas’ judicial recovery on the regulation of surety bonds, as well as the improvement of this product in the Brazilian market.
The recent discovery of accounting inconsistencies at Lojas Americanas S.A. earlier this year represents one of the largest judicial reorganization cases in Brazilian history, leaving numerous creditors unpaid who, like the company itself, could negatively affect Brazil's economy. This could have an impact on the surety insurance market and its regulation, a type of insurance that aims to ensure compliance with contractual obligations. It is used in different contexts, mainly in business contracts and public tenders, and can be taken out by companies that sell products or services on credit and wish to protect themselves against the risk of default. In the Brazilian market, guarantee insurance, although not a new product, has recently been gaining popularity among companies trying to guarantee their contractual obligations. As a way of protecting themselves against the risk of default, counterparties will be able to demand stronger guarantees following Americanas’ judicial reorganization. The aim of this paper is to analyze the case of Americanas and the history of surety bonds regulation in Brazil, identifying the possible effects that the company's judicial recovery will have on the regulation of this product in Brazil. To this end, the research will be conducted using primary and secondary sources, including official documents from the Superintendence of Private Insurance (SUSEP), articles, reports and analysis of similar cases. This research expects to be helpful in the understanding the effects of Americanas’ judicial recovery on the regulation of surety bonds, as well as the improvement of this product in the Brazilian market.
seguro garantia , risco , recuperação judicial , sinistro , surety , risk , judicial recovery , claims