Análise do conflito como formador do direito e de seus sistemas de resolução: uma visão histórica e sociológica das teorias sociais do conflito
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Froes, Matheus Borges
Lima, Fernando Rister de Sousa
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O presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar o conflito como aspecto formador do Direito,
realizando uma breve análise histórica a fim de se demonstrar como se deram as primeiras
formas de organização da sociedade para dirimir e solucionar os conflitos. Por meio dessa
análise, buscará traçar uma comparação entre as teorias sociais sobre o conflito nas
sociedades e como o Direito se desenvolveu como uma resposta a esses litígios. Analisando
as formas sociais, quanto mais complexas as sociedades, mais elas aperfeiçoavam suas formas
de resolução de conflitos. Serão analisados os meios atuais de resolução com base nas teorias
desenvolvidas, entendendo os aspectos que levam os indivíduos a utilizar diferentes
abordagens na resolução de conflitos. Com isso, ao realizar uma análise histórica, sociológica
e das formas atuais de resolução de conflitos, será possível compreender o desenvolvimento
do Direito para oferecer respostas aos conflitos na sociedade ao longo do tempo. Serão
discutidos os conceitos de solução de conflitos, mediação, conciliação e arbitragem, como
meios atuais de resolução de conflitos. Abordando como as teorias sociais contribuem para a
compreensão desses meios de resolução de conflitos. No presente artigo, serão identificadas
as implicações dessas abordagens na resolução de conflitos na sociedade contemporânea,
destacando a importância de compreender as diversas formas de resolução e suas aplicações
nos contextos sociais.
The present article aims to analyze conflict as a formative aspect of Law, conducting a brief historical analysis in order to demonstrate how the first forms of organization of society were established to resolve conflicts. Through this analysis, it seeks to draw a comparison between social theories on conflict in societies and how Law developed as a response to these disputes. Analyzing social forms, the more complex societies become, the more they refine their conflict resolution methods. The current means of resolution will be analyzed based on the developed theories, understanding the aspects that lead individuals to use different approaches in conflict resolution. Thus, by conducting a historical, sociological, and current analysis of conflict resolution methods, it will be possible to understand the development of Law in offering responses to conflicts in society over time. The concepts of conflict resolution, mediation, conciliation, and arbitration will be discussed as current means of resolving conflicts, addressing how social theories contribute to the understanding of these methods. The present article will identify the implications of these approaches in conflict resolution in contemporary society, highlighting the importance of understanding the various forms of resolution and their applications in social contexts.
The present article aims to analyze conflict as a formative aspect of Law, conducting a brief historical analysis in order to demonstrate how the first forms of organization of society were established to resolve conflicts. Through this analysis, it seeks to draw a comparison between social theories on conflict in societies and how Law developed as a response to these disputes. Analyzing social forms, the more complex societies become, the more they refine their conflict resolution methods. The current means of resolution will be analyzed based on the developed theories, understanding the aspects that lead individuals to use different approaches in conflict resolution. Thus, by conducting a historical, sociological, and current analysis of conflict resolution methods, it will be possible to understand the development of Law in offering responses to conflicts in society over time. The concepts of conflict resolution, mediation, conciliation, and arbitration will be discussed as current means of resolving conflicts, addressing how social theories contribute to the understanding of these methods. The present article will identify the implications of these approaches in conflict resolution in contemporary society, highlighting the importance of understanding the various forms of resolution and their applications in social contexts.
sociologia jurídica , análise histórica , teorias sociais , teoria dos conflitos , legal sociology , historical investigation , origin of conflicts , conflict theory