Gerenciamento de projetos: utilização de métodos ágeis em equipes geograficamente remotas
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Santos, Bruna Castellani Agante dos
Santos, Mariana Gomes
Santos, Mariana Gomes
Santos, Israel Florentino dos
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No nosso artigo vamos abordar o tema de metodologia ágil, provando que é
possível ter equipes geograficamente distribuídas trabalhando em conjunto em um
projeto. Nossa intenção é apresentar a possibilidade de encontrar fortes talentos,
agregando valor a equipe, mesmo trabalhando em locais distintos, mostrando que o
desafio da distância e fuso horário não é um impeditivo para concluir com louvor a
entrega de um projeto. Em 2001, em uma cúpula de 17 líderes de pensamento de
metodologias de programação, ela foi definida em quatro valores principais
capturados no Manifesto Ágil. O primeiro valor afirma: "Indivíduos e interações
sobre processos e ferramentas". Nos anos anteriores à adoção do Agile, havia uma
crença comum de que isso exigia que as equipes trabalhassem próximas umas das
outras. Esse pensamento impediu as empresas de usar o Agile, pensando que não é
possível que os funcionários trabalhem juntos em mais de um local e fuso
horário.Atualmente, a maioria das empresas distribui equipes que trabalham em
projetos o tempo todo.O objetivo deste estudo é abordar e fundamentar a hipótese
sobre fatores importantes a serem usados na implementação de métodos de design ágil
em equipes distribuídas globalmente.
In our article we will address the topic of agile methodology, proving that it is possible to have geographically distributed teams working together on a project. Our intention is to present the possibility of finding strong talent, adding value to the team, even working in different places, showing that the challenge of distance and time zone is not an impediment to praise the delivery of a project. In 2001, at a summit of 17 thought leaders in programming methodologies, it was defined in four core values captured in the Agile Manifesto. The first value states: "Individuals and interactions about processes and tools." In the years prior to the adoption of Agile, there was a common belief that this required teams to work closely together. This thinking has prevented companies from using Agile, thinking that employees cannot work together in more than one location and time zone. Today, most companies distribute project teams all the time. The purpose of this study is address and substantiate the hypothesis about important factors to be used in implementing agile design methods in globally distributed teams.
In our article we will address the topic of agile methodology, proving that it is possible to have geographically distributed teams working together on a project. Our intention is to present the possibility of finding strong talent, adding value to the team, even working in different places, showing that the challenge of distance and time zone is not an impediment to praise the delivery of a project. In 2001, at a summit of 17 thought leaders in programming methodologies, it was defined in four core values captured in the Agile Manifesto. The first value states: "Individuals and interactions about processes and tools." In the years prior to the adoption of Agile, there was a common belief that this required teams to work closely together. This thinking has prevented companies from using Agile, thinking that employees cannot work together in more than one location and time zone. Today, most companies distribute project teams all the time. The purpose of this study is address and substantiate the hypothesis about important factors to be used in implementing agile design methods in globally distributed teams.
implementação , métodos ágeis , equipes distribuídas , Implementation , agile methods , distributed teams