Pejotização na medicina
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Batista, Bianca Barcelos
Rodrigues, Ivandick Cruzelles
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O presente trabalho tem por desígnio analisar e elucidar o fenômeno da pejotização, caracterizado pela contratação de pessoa jurídica a fim de mascarar uma verdadeira relação de emprego, praticado sobretudo no âmbito dos serviços médicos, apontando sua problemática e suas reverberações nas relações trabalhistas. O tema demonstra grande importância social, merecendo ser objeto de estudo, em virtude da relevância dos médicos na saúde individual e coletiva do país. As precarizações laborais de tal prática foram ainda mais visíveis no cenário da pandemia da Covid-19, uma vez que os profissionais da saúde foram os sujeitos protagonistas no combate ao vírus; contudo, em decorrência da pejotização, estavam em situação de vulnerabilidade por terem tido suas garantias trabalhistas negligenciadas. Para tal escopo, serão analisados os elementos qualificadores do vínculo empregatício estabelecidos pela Consolidação das Leis do Trabalho. Ainda, será pautada discussão acerca da homologação no ordenamento jurídico pátrio da Lei nº 11.196, de 21 de novembro de 2005, a qual oportuniza a prática da pejotização, bem como sua constitucionalidade, examinando a Ação Declaratória de Constitucionalidade 66. O trabalho também apresentará a terceirização de atividades-fim da empresa, promovida pela Reforma Trabalhista, objeto do tema 725 de repercussão geral do Supremo Tribunal Federal. Dessa forma, a metodologia utilizada foi a análise doutrinária e jurisprudencial pertinente ao assunto. Portanto, a presente laboração buscará apresentar reflexões acerca dos efeitos prejudiciais da pejotização na medicina, reforçando a necessidade de restabelecer as garantias laborais no atual cenário brasileiro.
The purpose of this work is to analyze and elucidate the phenomenon of the “pejotização” (independent-contractor-only hiring policy), characterized by the hiring of a legal entity in order to mask a real employment relationship, especially in the field of medical services, while pointing out its problems and its reverberations in labor relations. The issue is of great social importance and deserves to be studied because of the relevance of doctors in the country's individual and collective health. The job insecurity caused by this practice became even more visible in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, as healthcare professionals played a central role in combating the virus; however, as a result of “pejotização”, they were in a situation of vulnerability because their labor guarantees were neglected. To achieve this goal, it will be analyzed the qualifying elements of the employment relationship established by the Consolidation of Labor Laws. Furthermore, there will be a discussion about the ratification of Law No. 11.196, of November 21, 2005, in the country’s legal system, which allows the practice of “pejotização”, as well as its constitutionality, examining Declaratory Action of Constitutionality 66. The paper will also present the outsourcing of the company’s core activities, promoted by the Labor Reform, which is the subject of topic 725 of the Supreme Court’s general repercussion. The methodology used for this research was doctrinal and jurisprudential analysis relevant to the subject. Therefore, this work aims to present reflections on the detrimental effects of “pejotização” in the field of medicine, emphasizing the need to re-establish labor guarantees in the current Brazilian scenario.
The purpose of this work is to analyze and elucidate the phenomenon of the “pejotização” (independent-contractor-only hiring policy), characterized by the hiring of a legal entity in order to mask a real employment relationship, especially in the field of medical services, while pointing out its problems and its reverberations in labor relations. The issue is of great social importance and deserves to be studied because of the relevance of doctors in the country's individual and collective health. The job insecurity caused by this practice became even more visible in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, as healthcare professionals played a central role in combating the virus; however, as a result of “pejotização”, they were in a situation of vulnerability because their labor guarantees were neglected. To achieve this goal, it will be analyzed the qualifying elements of the employment relationship established by the Consolidation of Labor Laws. Furthermore, there will be a discussion about the ratification of Law No. 11.196, of November 21, 2005, in the country’s legal system, which allows the practice of “pejotização”, as well as its constitutionality, examining Declaratory Action of Constitutionality 66. The paper will also present the outsourcing of the company’s core activities, promoted by the Labor Reform, which is the subject of topic 725 of the Supreme Court’s general repercussion. The methodology used for this research was doctrinal and jurisprudential analysis relevant to the subject. Therefore, this work aims to present reflections on the detrimental effects of “pejotização” in the field of medicine, emphasizing the need to re-establish labor guarantees in the current Brazilian scenario.
pejotização , medicina , serviços médicos , terceirização , medicine , medical services , outsourcing