Estado de hidratação de jogadores de rugby após a ingestão de água e repositores hidroeletrolíticos
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Vieira, Ana Luiza Damasceno
Pinheiro, Marcia Nacif
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Introdução: O Rugby é um esporte coletivo, jogado em um campo gramado de 100 x
70 metros, por um período de dois tempos de 40 minutos com intervalo de 10 minutos.
A equipe é composta por 15 jogadores que tem como objetivo vencer a defesa
adversária e apoiar a bola na extremidade final do campo, a qual é denominada "in goal", marcando um "try", equivalente à 5 pontos. Durante uma partida de Rugby
ocorrem poucas interrupções que proporcionam a oportunidade de reposição de
líquidos, podendo levar os atletas a um estado de desidratação. Objetivo: Avaliar o
estado de hidratação de jogadores de Rugby após a ingestão de água e de repositores
hidroeletrolíticos. Metodologia: Trata-se de um estudo transversal, realizado com
jogadores de Rugby de ambos os sexos de um projeto social esportivo. Para avaliar
a perda hídrica, os atletas foram pesados antes (peso inicial) e após os treinos (peso
final). Calculou-se a porcentagem de perda de peso e a taxa de sudorese dos atletas
após o consumo de água e de repositores hidroeletrolíticos (concentração de
carboidratos de 6%). Resultados: Foram avaliados, no primeiro teste, 31 jogadores
de Rugby, sendo 23 do sexo masculino e 8 do feminino, e, no segundo teste, 20
jogadores, 16 do sexo masculino e 4 do sexo feminino. Evidenciou-se, nos indivíduos
do sexo masculino, taxa de sudorese média de 14,25 ml/min, quando em reposição
com água, e média de 13,43 ml/min, quando com repositor hidroeletrolítico. No sexo
feminino, a taxa de sudorese variou entre 4,16 e 12,91 ml/min, e 4,16 e 10,83 ml/min,
quando com reposição com água e repositor hidroeletrolítico respectivamente.
Observou-se que 51,6% dos aletas perderam peso no teste com a reposição com
água e 85% com repositor hidroeletrolítico. A porcentagem de perda de peso nos
homens foi de 66,67% e nas mulheres de 8,33%. Conclusão: Observou-se perda de
peso após as partidas de Rugby em 75% dos atletas. Desta forma, recomenda-se que
este público receba mais informações sobre hidratação durante o esporte visando sua
saúde e performance esportiva.
Introduction: Rugby is a team sport, played on a 100 x 70 meters grass field, during two periods of 40 minutes, separated by a 10-minute interval. The team is made up of 15 players, whose goal is to beat the other team’s defense and place the ball in the end of the field, an area called "in-goal", scoring a "try", which is equivalent to 5 points. During a Rugby match, the athletes come across few interruptions that provide an opportunity for fluid replacement, which might lead them into a state of dehydration. Objective: To evaluate the state of hydration of Rugby players after the ingestion of water and of hydroelectrolytic repositories. Methodology: This is a cross-sectional study carried out with Rugby players of both genders of a sports social project. To evaluate the water loss, the athletes were weighed before (initial weight) and after training (final weight). The weight loss and sweating rate of the athletes was calculated after drinking water and hydroelectrolytic repositories (carbohydrate concentration of 6%).Results: In the first test, 31 Rugby players were evaluated, 23 males and 8 females, and in the second test 20 players were evaluated, 16 males and 4 females. Regarding the males, it was evidenced an average sweating rate of 14.25ml/min, when drinking water, and an average of 13.43ml/min, when drinking hydroelectrolytic repositories. In females, the sweating rate ranged from 4.16 to 12.91 ml/min, and 4.16 and 10.83 ml/min, respectively, when drinking water and hydroelectrolytic repositories. It was observed that, during the test, 51.6% of the athletes lost weight with replacement with water and 85% with hydroelectrolytic repository. The percentage of weight loss in men was 66.67% and in women, 8.33%.Conclusion: It was observed a weight loss after Rugby matches in 75% of the athletes. Therefore, it is recommended that the players be granted more access to information regarding hydration during the sport practice, in order to address its health and sports performance.
Introduction: Rugby is a team sport, played on a 100 x 70 meters grass field, during two periods of 40 minutes, separated by a 10-minute interval. The team is made up of 15 players, whose goal is to beat the other team’s defense and place the ball in the end of the field, an area called "in-goal", scoring a "try", which is equivalent to 5 points. During a Rugby match, the athletes come across few interruptions that provide an opportunity for fluid replacement, which might lead them into a state of dehydration. Objective: To evaluate the state of hydration of Rugby players after the ingestion of water and of hydroelectrolytic repositories. Methodology: This is a cross-sectional study carried out with Rugby players of both genders of a sports social project. To evaluate the water loss, the athletes were weighed before (initial weight) and after training (final weight). The weight loss and sweating rate of the athletes was calculated after drinking water and hydroelectrolytic repositories (carbohydrate concentration of 6%).Results: In the first test, 31 Rugby players were evaluated, 23 males and 8 females, and in the second test 20 players were evaluated, 16 males and 4 females. Regarding the males, it was evidenced an average sweating rate of 14.25ml/min, when drinking water, and an average of 13.43ml/min, when drinking hydroelectrolytic repositories. In females, the sweating rate ranged from 4.16 to 12.91 ml/min, and 4.16 and 10.83 ml/min, respectively, when drinking water and hydroelectrolytic repositories. It was observed that, during the test, 51.6% of the athletes lost weight with replacement with water and 85% with hydroelectrolytic repository. The percentage of weight loss in men was 66.67% and in women, 8.33%.Conclusion: It was observed a weight loss after Rugby matches in 75% of the athletes. Therefore, it is recommended that the players be granted more access to information regarding hydration during the sport practice, in order to address its health and sports performance.
hidratação , repositor hidroeletrolítico , taxa de sudorese , hidration , hidroeletrolytic repository , sweating rate