Os efeitos da pandemia de Covid-19 no direito de família
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Venchiarutti, Helena Casserino Motta
Scalquette, Ana Cláudia Silva
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O presente estudo tem por objetivo a análise de como a pandemia do novo
Coronavírus tem impactado a vida e a rotina das famílias brasileiras. Para isso,
buscar-se-á́ inicialmente compreender a disciplina do direito de família, entendendo
os principais conceitos e princípios norteadores existentes no ordenamento jurídico.
Posteriormente, far-se-á uma análise da família em tempos de pandemia, bem como
como outros países tem lidado com a situação e por fim analisar-se-á casos concretos
julgados recentemente pelos órgãos do poder Judiciário. Portanto, o presente trabalho
tem como essencial objetivo analisar a pandemia da Covid-19 e quais seus impactos
no direito de família, bem como como o direito brasileiro está agindo com tantas
mudanças e incertezas.
The present monography aims at analyzing how the pandemic of the new coronavirus impacted the life and the routine of Brazilian families. From the beginning it will be south to understand the discipline of Family Law, understanding the main concepts and guiding principles existing in the legal system. Then, an analysis of the family in times of pandemic, as well how other countries have dealt with the situation and finally, some specific cases recently judged by the Judiciary. Therefore, the present work has as essential objective to analyze the Covid-19 pandemic, and the impacts on Family Law, as well as how the Brazilian law is working with so many changes and uncertainties.
The present monography aims at analyzing how the pandemic of the new coronavirus impacted the life and the routine of Brazilian families. From the beginning it will be south to understand the discipline of Family Law, understanding the main concepts and guiding principles existing in the legal system. Then, an analysis of the family in times of pandemic, as well how other countries have dealt with the situation and finally, some specific cases recently judged by the Judiciary. Therefore, the present work has as essential objective to analyze the Covid-19 pandemic, and the impacts on Family Law, as well as how the Brazilian law is working with so many changes and uncertainties.
direito de família , pandemia , coronavírus , family law , pandemic , coronavirus