Fisioterapia no pós-operatório imediato de câncer de mama: uma proposta de prevenção primária
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Morais, Isabela Sousa
Salerno, Gisela Rosa Franco
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O câncer é a principal problemática de saúde pública no mundo, sendo o câncer de mama a neoplasia de maior taxa de mortalidade entre as mulheres. No pós-operatório pode ser desenvolvido complicações, como linfedema, dor, problemas na cicatrização e diminuição da amplitude de movimento homolateral à cirurgia. Foi objetivo verificar se as estratégias de prevenção primária realizadas pela fisioterapia no pós-operatório imediato de câncer de mama são eficazes. Foi realizado um estudo retrospectivo das consultas realizadas na enfermaria feminina pelo serviço de Fisioterapia, incluindo triagem de consultas pós-cirurgia mamária, no período de fevereiro de 2018 a fevereiro de 2023. Os dados foram apresentados descritivamente por meio de tabelas. Quanto aos resultados, foram analisados 122 prontuários sendo 12 (9,8%) excluídos por falta de dados, a média de idade foi de 51,66±16,2 anos, 31 (28%) possuíam ensino médio completo, 43 (39%) casadas e 58 (51%) menopausadas (Tabela 1). Em relação ao diagnóstico, 78 (70%) descobriram pelo autoexame e apenas 28 (25%) através da mamografia, 45 (40%) tiveram câncer no lado dominante. A quandrantectomia foi o tipo cirúrgico mais comum 40 (36%), os sinais inflamatórios não foram identificados em 88 (80%) e 69 (62,7%) foram encaminhadas para Fisioterapia (Tabela 2). Todas as mulheres foram orientadas a manter livremente os movimentos dos membros superiores reforçado através do material educativo (Figura 1). Após uma semana, observou-se que todas não apresentavam sinais de linfedema e/ou perda de movimentos. Conclui-se que as estratégias fisioterapêuticas no pós operatório imediato são de suma relevância no cuidado da cicatriz/hidratação da pele e no estímulo ao exercício ativo livre que pode prevenir o desenvolvimento de linfedema ou limitação funcional por cinesiofobia. A entrega de material educativo potencializa os resultados positivos.
Cancer is the main public health problem in the world, with breast cancer having the highest mortality rate among women. Complications can develop in the postoperative period, such as lymphedema, pain, healing problems and decreased range of motion homolateral to the surgery. The objective was to verify if the primary prevention strategies conducted by physiotherapy in the immediate postoperative period of breast cancer are effective. A retrospective study was conducted of the consultations carried out in the women's ward by the Physiotherapy service, including screening of consultations after breast surgery, from February 2018 to February 2023. The data was presented descriptively in tables. Regarding the results, 122 medical records were analyzed, of which 12 (9.8%) were excluded due to missing data, the mean age was 51.66±16.2 years, 31 (28%) had completed high school, 43 (39%) were married and 58 (51%) were menopausal (Table 1). About diagnosis, 78 (70%) discovered it through self-examination and only 28 (25%) through mammography, 45 (40%) had cancer on the dominant side. Quantrantectomy was the most common type of surgery for 40 (36%), inflammatory signs were not identified in 88 (80%) and 69 (62.7%) were referred for physiotherapy (Table 2). All the women were instructed to maintain free movement of their upper limbs, reinforced with educational material (Figure 1). After one week, they all showed no signs of lymphedema and/or loss of movement The conclusion is that physiotherapeutic strategies in the immediate postoperative period are extremely important in terms of scar care/skin hydration and encouraging free active exercise, which can prevent the development of lymphoedema or functional limitations due to kinesiophobia. The provision of educational material enhances the positive results.
Cancer is the main public health problem in the world, with breast cancer having the highest mortality rate among women. Complications can develop in the postoperative period, such as lymphedema, pain, healing problems and decreased range of motion homolateral to the surgery. The objective was to verify if the primary prevention strategies conducted by physiotherapy in the immediate postoperative period of breast cancer are effective. A retrospective study was conducted of the consultations carried out in the women's ward by the Physiotherapy service, including screening of consultations after breast surgery, from February 2018 to February 2023. The data was presented descriptively in tables. Regarding the results, 122 medical records were analyzed, of which 12 (9.8%) were excluded due to missing data, the mean age was 51.66±16.2 years, 31 (28%) had completed high school, 43 (39%) were married and 58 (51%) were menopausal (Table 1). About diagnosis, 78 (70%) discovered it through self-examination and only 28 (25%) through mammography, 45 (40%) had cancer on the dominant side. Quantrantectomy was the most common type of surgery for 40 (36%), inflammatory signs were not identified in 88 (80%) and 69 (62.7%) were referred for physiotherapy (Table 2). All the women were instructed to maintain free movement of their upper limbs, reinforced with educational material (Figure 1). After one week, they all showed no signs of lymphedema and/or loss of movement The conclusion is that physiotherapeutic strategies in the immediate postoperative period are extremely important in terms of scar care/skin hydration and encouraging free active exercise, which can prevent the development of lymphoedema or functional limitations due to kinesiophobia. The provision of educational material enhances the positive results.
câncer de mama , período pós-operatório , prevenção primária , linfedema , cinesiofobia , breast neoplasms , postoperative period , primary prevention , lymphedema