Mobilidade, imáginário e representação na cidade de São Paulo ( 1968-2015): materialidades e ações no território do Butantã

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Gregori, Márcia Sandoval
Mota, Carlos Guilherme Santos Serôa da
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Lourenço, Maria Cecilia França
Zilbovicius, Mauro
Simões Junior, José Geraldo
Caldana Júnior, Valter Luis
Arquitetura e Urbanismo
This research aims to observe how the social face of mobility is materialized in objects and actions in the city at different scales and levels of historicity in order to understand how these various layers compete to embody a fragmented, efficient and qualified urban structure only for few privileged and for the reproduction of increasingly concentrated capital. The text presents a historical narrative of mobility in São Paulo between 1968 and 2015 considered in a humanized and political perspective, from the standpoint of representations, imaginary and practices. Materiality and actions related to mobility in the urban space are investigated in order to highlight its strategic connection to the mode of production, expressing social structure and collective imaginary both based on the idea of class flexibility and the possibility of social ascension through competition and individual effort. The study is intended to verify, as well, how the mobility shows the action of the globalized power in the territory and its local experience with specific tactics, from the observation of actions concretized in the city that control flows and actions and induce practices, composing imaginaries that are the expression of a segregating and excluding social structure, based in Brazil on a slave and estamental root. Thereby, on a near scale, the region of Butantã is investigated, as it presents big social contradictions that can be verified in the whole city and many questions related to mobility to be locally solved, counting on great mobilization relative to the subject. The field study focuses on informal workers engaged in local crossings driven by existing traffic nodes. Coming from the metropolitan region, they travel for long periods to ensure their survival in a context focused on productivity, the market and consumption to the detriment of real citizenship.
mobilidade , representação práticas , Butantã
Assuntos Scopus
GREGORI, Márcia Sandoval. Mobilidade, imáginário e representação na cidade de São Paulo ( 1968-2015): materialidades e ações no território do Butantã. 2018. 290 f. Tese ( Arquitetura e Urbanismo) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo .