Os direitos territoriais dos povos originários: existe um limite temporal ao direito à terra?
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Silva, Letícia Diógenes Gonçalves da
Pereira, Flávio de Leão Bastos
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O presente trabalho tem por objetivo a análise da (in) constitucionalidade da Tese do Fato Indígena, conhecida também como o Marco Temporal, surgida em contraponto a Teoria do Indigenato, ambas destinadas a interpretação dos direitos territoriais indígenas consagrados no artigo 231 da Constituição Federal de 1988. Através da pesquisa quantitativa por método dedutivo, da bibliografia documental e da análise jurisprudencial, partindo-se da análise dos direitos territoriais indígenas previstos no âmbito da Constituição Federal de 1988 e dos diplomas internacionais, da importância e da estrutura do processo administrativo de demarcação das terras indígenas e do genocídio historicamente promovido contra os povos originários no Brasil, foi possível verificar que a tese do Marco Temporal é inconstitucional e, portanto, não pode ser utilizada para a interpretação dos direitos territoriais indígenas constitucionalmente consagrados, sob pena de, além de promover o retrocesso dos direitos fundamentais, contribuir para a perpetuação do assimilacionismo e do genocídio cometido contra os povos originários do Brasil.
This work has the objective to analyse the (un) constitutionality of the Theory of the Indigenous Fact, also known as the Temporal Milestone, which counterpoints the Theory of the Indigenato, both aimed to interpretate the indigenous territorial rights established in the 231 article of the Federal Constitution of 1988. Throughout quantitative research by deductive method, documentary bibliography and jurisprudential analysis, analysing the indigenous territorial rights established in the Federal Constitution of 1988 and international conventions, the importance and the structure of the administrative process of demarcation of indigenous lands and the genocide historically promoted against indigenous people in Brazil, it was possible to verify the unconstitutionality of the Temporal Milestone, which can not be used to interpretate the indigenous territorial rights constitutionally established, under penalty of, in addition to promoting the retrogression of fundamental rights, contribute to the perpetuation of assimilationism and genocide committed against the indigenous people of Brazil.
This work has the objective to analyse the (un) constitutionality of the Theory of the Indigenous Fact, also known as the Temporal Milestone, which counterpoints the Theory of the Indigenato, both aimed to interpretate the indigenous territorial rights established in the 231 article of the Federal Constitution of 1988. Throughout quantitative research by deductive method, documentary bibliography and jurisprudential analysis, analysing the indigenous territorial rights established in the Federal Constitution of 1988 and international conventions, the importance and the structure of the administrative process of demarcation of indigenous lands and the genocide historically promoted against indigenous people in Brazil, it was possible to verify the unconstitutionality of the Temporal Milestone, which can not be used to interpretate the indigenous territorial rights constitutionally established, under penalty of, in addition to promoting the retrogression of fundamental rights, contribute to the perpetuation of assimilationism and genocide committed against the indigenous people of Brazil.
povos indígenas , demarcação , terra indígena , teoria do indigenato , indigenous people , demarcation , indigenous land , theory of indigenato