O garantismo penal e a política de proibição às drogas
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Fernandes, Artur Costa
Capano, Evandro Fabiani
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O presente trabalho busca analisar a atual política brasileira de combate às drogas, baseada no proibicionismo punitivista que perpetua em nossa sociedade uma realidade de conflitos constantes que compõe a guerra às drogas traçada pelo Estado contra usuários e traficantes de substâncias ilícitas, a partir de uma ótica do Garantismo Penal de Luigi Ferrajoli, enquanto teoria de justificação da necessidade de observação de uma esfera de critérios substanciais ao exercício do direito penal e à responsabilidade de aplicação das penas, buscando assim, inviabilizar ou regredir o exercício arbitrário do poder punitivista do Estado e estabelecer axiomas que servem de critérios as legislações penais, suas motivações e consequências. A metodologia utilizada foi a hipotético-dedutiva, aliada ao levantamento de bibliografia especializada, e evidenciou-se que a política adotada pelo Brasil além de não resolver o problema gerado pela utilização de drogas, ainda agrava a marginalidade e a violação sistemática das garantias dos direitos humanos e fundamentais, sendo para tanto necessária a construção de uma nova abordagem pelo Estado com alternativas na esfera da saúde pública e reparação social das comunidades prejudicadas pela guerra às drogas.
The present work seeks to analyze the current Brazilian policy of combating drugs based on punitive prohibitionism that perpetuates in our society a reality of constant conflicts that makes up the war on drugs drawn by the State against users and traffickers of illicit substances from a perspective of Luigi Ferrajoli's Criminal Guarantism as a theory of justification for the need to observe a sphere of substantial criteria for the exercise of criminal law and the responsibility for the application of penalties thus seeking to derail or regress the arbitrary exercise of the punitive power of the State and establish axioms that serve as criteria for criminal laws their motivations and consequences. The methodology used was the hypothetical-deductive one allied to the survey of specialized bibliography and it was evidenced that the policy adopted by Brazil in addition to not solving the problem generated by the use of drugs, also aggravates the marginality and the systematic violation of the guarantees of human and fundamental rights being therefore necessary the construction of a new approach by the State with alternatives in the sphere of public health and social reparation of the communities harmed by the war on drugs.
The present work seeks to analyze the current Brazilian policy of combating drugs based on punitive prohibitionism that perpetuates in our society a reality of constant conflicts that makes up the war on drugs drawn by the State against users and traffickers of illicit substances from a perspective of Luigi Ferrajoli's Criminal Guarantism as a theory of justification for the need to observe a sphere of substantial criteria for the exercise of criminal law and the responsibility for the application of penalties thus seeking to derail or regress the arbitrary exercise of the punitive power of the State and establish axioms that serve as criteria for criminal laws their motivations and consequences. The methodology used was the hypothetical-deductive one allied to the survey of specialized bibliography and it was evidenced that the policy adopted by Brazil in addition to not solving the problem generated by the use of drugs, also aggravates the marginality and the systematic violation of the guarantees of human and fundamental rights being therefore necessary the construction of a new approach by the State with alternatives in the sphere of public health and social reparation of the communities harmed by the war on drugs.
garantismo penal , drogas , legislação , direito penal mínimo , criminal guarantism , drugs , legislation , minimum criminal law