Alienação parental e seus impactos na relação paterno filial
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Mola, Karoline Fernandes de
Gurgel, Fernanda Pessanha do Amaral
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O presente trabalho terá por objetivo central a análise da Alienação Parental e suas consequências sociais, para que seja possível compreender os aspectos jurídicos que norteiam a prática alienatória. A pesquisa foca no instituto familiar, nos princípios constitucionais que protegem o menor, bem como a redação da lei 12.318/2010. O artigo frisará as variadas formas alienatórias a fim de se compreender os impactos vivenciados pela vítima que adquire a Síndrome da Alienação Parental. Questiona-se quais são as consequências e aspectos jurídicos que norteiam o tema em comento. Após a abordagem conceitual, salientar-se-á as medidas judiciais que podem respaldar os direitos da vítima, do genitor alienado e as consequências judiciais para o alienador. Por fim, será indispensável encontrar o entendimento jurisprudencial do STF e STJ atribuídos aos casos desta natureza. A metodologia será a qualitativa, possibilitando o estudo dos conceitos e consultas jurisprudenciais necessárias para o alcance dos objetivos do trabalho.
The present work will focus on the analysis of Parental Alienation and its social consequences, so that it is possible to understand the legal aspects that guide the alienating practice. The research focuses on the family institute, the constitutional principles that protect the minor, as well as the wording of law 12.318 / 2010. The article will emphasize the various alienating the impacts experienced by the victim who acquires Parental Alienation Syndrome. It is questioned what are the consequences and legal aspects that guide the subject under discussion. Following the conceptual approach, the legal measures that may support the rights of the victim, the alienated parent and the legal consequences for the alienator will be highlighted. Finally, it will be indispensable to find the jurisprudential understanding of the STF and STJ attributed to cases of this nature. The methodology will be qualitative, allowing the study of concepts and jurisprudential consultations necessary to achieve the objectives of the work.
The present work will focus on the analysis of Parental Alienation and its social consequences, so that it is possible to understand the legal aspects that guide the alienating practice. The research focuses on the family institute, the constitutional principles that protect the minor, as well as the wording of law 12.318 / 2010. The article will emphasize the various alienating the impacts experienced by the victim who acquires Parental Alienation Syndrome. It is questioned what are the consequences and legal aspects that guide the subject under discussion. Following the conceptual approach, the legal measures that may support the rights of the victim, the alienated parent and the legal consequences for the alienator will be highlighted. Finally, it will be indispensable to find the jurisprudential understanding of the STF and STJ attributed to cases of this nature. The methodology will be qualitative, allowing the study of concepts and jurisprudential consultations necessary to achieve the objectives of the work.
direito de família , alienação parental , criança e adolescente , family law , parental alienation , child and teenager