Os impactos da propriedade industrial no acesso a medicamentos de alto custo e seus dilemas éticos
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Rocha, Amanda de Magalhães Gouvea Boralli
Cavalcanti, Ana Elizabeth Wanderley
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Trata-se de artigo sobre propriedade industrial, focado nas dificuldades de acesso a medicamentos de tratamento genético no Brasil, dado seu alto custo e a demora para a sua aprovação pelas autarquias federais. Nesse contexto, surge um embate relacionado ao direito à saúde e ao acesso a tratamentos. De um lado, há o interesse legítimo dos detentores das patentes em obter retorno sobre seus investimentos em pesquisa e desenvolvimento, evitando também que haja danos patrimoniais às farmacêuticas. Por outro lado, há a necessidade de garantir que todos os indivíduos tenham acesso aos cuidados de saúde, tendo em vista a proteção desse direito pelos artigos 6º e 196 da Constituição Federal. Para abordar essa problemática, o trabalho adota o método dedutivo, aplicando-se uma abordagem jurídico-sociológica. Ademais, foram realizadas pesquisas bibliográficas e análises de casos recentes, que possibilitaram associar a dificuldade de acesso a medicamentos ao sistema de propriedade industrial brasileiro, além de analisar quais os dilemas éticos decorrentes dessa problemática e as possíveis soluções para atenuar tal adversidade.
This article will address the theme of industrial property, focusing on the difficulties in accessing genetic treatment drugs in Brazil, given their high cost and the delay in their approval by federal authorities. In this context, a clash arises over the right to health and access to treatments. There is the legitimate interest of patent holders in obtaining a return on their investments in research and development, while also avoiding damage to pharmaceutical companies' assets. On the other hand, there is the need to ensure that all individuals have access to health care, given the protection provided by Articles 6 and 196 of the Federal Constitution. In order to address this problem, the article uses the deductive method, applying a legal-sociological approach. In addition, bibliographical research and analysis of recent cases were used to associate the difficulty of access to medicines with the Brazilian industrial property system, as well as to analyze the ethical dilemmas arising from this problem and the possible solutions to mitigate this adversity.
This article will address the theme of industrial property, focusing on the difficulties in accessing genetic treatment drugs in Brazil, given their high cost and the delay in their approval by federal authorities. In this context, a clash arises over the right to health and access to treatments. There is the legitimate interest of patent holders in obtaining a return on their investments in research and development, while also avoiding damage to pharmaceutical companies' assets. On the other hand, there is the need to ensure that all individuals have access to health care, given the protection provided by Articles 6 and 196 of the Federal Constitution. In order to address this problem, the article uses the deductive method, applying a legal-sociological approach. In addition, bibliographical research and analysis of recent cases were used to associate the difficulty of access to medicines with the Brazilian industrial property system, as well as to analyze the ethical dilemmas arising from this problem and the possible solutions to mitigate this adversity.
patente , acesso à saúde , tratamento genético , ética , patent , access to health , genetic treatments , ethics