(Im)penhorabilidade de salários e análise de sua mitigação
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Guerra, Roberto Mário Conde
Wagner Junior, Luiz Guilherme da Costa
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Membros da banca
O Código de Processo Civil possui garantias processuais que asseguram a subsistência digna
do executado, de modo que a execução não implique na ruína financeira do devedor e de sua
família. Entretanto, determinadas hipóteses previstas na legislação processual podem gerar
problemas no caso concreto, inclusive, do ponto de vista principiológico e da justiça processual.
É o caso da impenhorabilidade da remuneração elevada, pois o mínimo penhorável de cinquenta
salários mínimos tende a levar à inefetividade da execução, pois ela poderá ser frustrada por
falta de bens penhoráveis. Nessa perspectiva, o presente trabalho busca analisar os fundamentos
processuais e constitucionais que justificam a norma de impenhorabilidade relativa da
remuneração da pessoa física no Brasil, além disso, pretende-se analisar esse instituto no direito
comparado para verificar a possibilidade constitucional, dentro do ordenamento jurídico
brasileiro, de mitigar a impenhorabilidade relativa. Cabe destacar que a mitigação já é realizada
pelos Tribunais desde o anterior Código de Processo Civil.
The Code of Civil Procedure has procedural guarantees that ensure the dignified livelihood of the debtor, so that the lawsuit does not imply the financial ruin of the debtor and his family. However, certain hypotheses foreseen in the procedural legislation can generate problems in some specific cases, specially, from the principiological point of view and procedural justice. This is the case of the non-enforceability of high remuneration, since the minimum pledge of fifty minimum wages tends to lead to ineffectiveness of execution, as it may be frustrated by the lack of pledged assets. In this perspective, the present work seeks to analyze the procedural and constitutional foundations that justify the norm of relative non-enforceability of the remuneration of individuals in Brazil, in addition, it is intended to analyze this institute in comparative law to verify the constitutional possibility, within the Brazilian legal system, to mitigate relative lack of attachment. It should be noted that mitigation has already been carried out by the Courts since the previous Civil Procedure Code.
The Code of Civil Procedure has procedural guarantees that ensure the dignified livelihood of the debtor, so that the lawsuit does not imply the financial ruin of the debtor and his family. However, certain hypotheses foreseen in the procedural legislation can generate problems in some specific cases, specially, from the principiological point of view and procedural justice. This is the case of the non-enforceability of high remuneration, since the minimum pledge of fifty minimum wages tends to lead to ineffectiveness of execution, as it may be frustrated by the lack of pledged assets. In this perspective, the present work seeks to analyze the procedural and constitutional foundations that justify the norm of relative non-enforceability of the remuneration of individuals in Brazil, in addition, it is intended to analyze this institute in comparative law to verify the constitutional possibility, within the Brazilian legal system, to mitigate relative lack of attachment. It should be noted that mitigation has already been carried out by the Courts since the previous Civil Procedure Code.
direito processual civil , direito processual constitucional , processo de execução , impenhorabilidade da remuneração , civil procedure , constitutional procedure law , judicial execution , unseizability of payments