A possibilidade de exclusão do condômino antissocial à luz de precedentes do Tribunal de Justiça do estado de São Paulo
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Brito, Sara Oliveira
Almeida, Washington Carlos de
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Pela primeira vez, por meio do Código Civil de 2002 (CC/2002), tem-se expressamente uma
sanção ao condômino antissocial, aquele que por meio de seu comportamento reiterado gera
incompatibilidade com os demais no condomínio edilício. O parágrafo único do art. 1.337 do
CC/2002 prevê uma sanção pecuniária no valor de até o décuplo do valor atribuído à
contribuição para as despesas condominiais. No entanto, o que fazer caso o condômino continue
praticando sua conduta antissocial, mesmo após a aplicação dessa multa? Parte da doutrina tem
pugnado, em razão da necessidade de observância à função social da propriedade e a vedação
ao abuso de direito, pela possibilidade de expulsão do condômino antissocial por meio da
propositura de ação judicial, após deliberação de ¾ dos condôminos em assembleia. A
jurisprudência brasileira também se encontra dividida, tornando-se necessário, portanto, o
estudo do tema. Assim, o objetivo geral da presente monografia é identificar quais são os
critérios que vêm sendo adotados para a exclusão do condômino antissocial, de acordo com precedentes do Tribunal de Justiça de São Paulo, por meio de pesquisa bibliográficodocumental
e análise jurisprudencial por meio do método indutivo. Encontrou-se, então, que a
exclusão vem sendo admitida pelo Poder Judiciário de forma excepcional, em casos graves, em
caso de comportamento reiterado, após deliberação da propositura de ação judicial por
assembleia e ineficácia de outras sanções previstas nas normas internas do condomínio ou no
artigo 1.337, CC/2002.
For the first time, through the Civil Code of 2002 (CC/2002), there is an express sanction for antisocial dwellers, those who, through their repeated behavior, generate incompatibility with others in the condominium. The sole paragraph of art. 1.337 of CC/2002 express a financial penalty in the amount of up to ten times the value attributed to the contribution to condominium expenses. However, what should be done if the dweller continues to practice antisocial behavior, even after this fine has been imposed? Part of the doctrine defends, because of the need to observe the social function of property and the prohibition against the abuse of rights, the possibility of expulsion of the antisocial dweller through the filing of legal action, after the deliberation by ¾ of the other dwellers in a meeting. Brazilian jurisprudence is also divided, which expresses the importance of studying the topic. Thus, the general objective of this monograph is to identify the criteria that have been adopted for the exclusion of antisocial dwellers, in accordance with precedents from the Court of Justice of São Paulo, through bibliographical-documentary research and jurisprudential analysis through the inductive method. It was found, then, that exclusion has been accepted by the Judiciary on an exceptional way, in serious cases, in case of repeated behavior, after deliberation on the filing of legal action by assembly and ineffectiveness of other sanctions provided for in the internal rules of the condominium or in the article 1.337, CC/2002.
For the first time, through the Civil Code of 2002 (CC/2002), there is an express sanction for antisocial dwellers, those who, through their repeated behavior, generate incompatibility with others in the condominium. The sole paragraph of art. 1.337 of CC/2002 express a financial penalty in the amount of up to ten times the value attributed to the contribution to condominium expenses. However, what should be done if the dweller continues to practice antisocial behavior, even after this fine has been imposed? Part of the doctrine defends, because of the need to observe the social function of property and the prohibition against the abuse of rights, the possibility of expulsion of the antisocial dweller through the filing of legal action, after the deliberation by ¾ of the other dwellers in a meeting. Brazilian jurisprudence is also divided, which expresses the importance of studying the topic. Thus, the general objective of this monograph is to identify the criteria that have been adopted for the exclusion of antisocial dwellers, in accordance with precedents from the Court of Justice of São Paulo, through bibliographical-documentary research and jurisprudential analysis through the inductive method. It was found, then, that exclusion has been accepted by the Judiciary on an exceptional way, in serious cases, in case of repeated behavior, after deliberation on the filing of legal action by assembly and ineffectiveness of other sanctions provided for in the internal rules of the condominium or in the article 1.337, CC/2002.
Trabalho indicado pela banca examinadora ao prêmio TCC
condomínio edilício , sanções ao condômino no condomínio edilício , condômino antissocial , exclusão do condômino antissocial , condominium , sanctions in the condominium , antisocial dweller , exclusion from the antisocial dweller