Mariana e Brumadinho: rastros legais e judiciais das duas tragédias sob a perspectiva civil e ambiental de responsabilidade
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Alves, Luana Santos
Cardia, Ana Cláudia Ruy
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Nos anos de 2015 e 2019 o Brasil serviu como palco de duas grandes tragédias socioambientais: O rompimento da barragem de Fundão, considerado a maior tragédia socioambiental do país, que além de deixar 19 mortos, ofertou um legado de destruição da flora e fauna local, além de danos irreparáveis ao patrimônio cultural nacional; e, três anos depois, o rompimento da barragem de Brumadinho, que desta vez vitimou 270 pessoas, afora os prejuízos de ordem material, social e ambiental. A partir desses dois eventos, o presente trabalho objetiva analisar a efetividade do sistema jurídico brasileiro, ao se abordar a responsabilização civil, no âmbito de processos coletivos, de empresas que pratiquem graves violações a direitos humanos, no sentido de verificar se foram criados mecanismos jurídicos eficazes de reparação dos prejuízos decorrentes do rompimento das barragens localizadas em Mariana e Brumadinho. Para tanto, o método de pesquisa utilizado se deu por meio da análise das principais demandas civis ajuizadas pleiteando a reparação dos prejuízos socioambientais, a partir de uma abordagem qualitativa, sendo que para a coleta de dados foram utilizados livros, artigos científicos, instrumentos normativos, matérias jornalísticas e pesquisa jurisprudencial. Com base no material pesquisado, então, foi possível concluir que o Estado brasileiro encontra grandes dificuldades para responsabilizar agentes que pratiquem crimes socioambientais, de modo que, além da ausência de leis consolidadas eficazes que disciplinem a relação entre direitos humanos e empresas, o judiciário é ineficiente ao aplicar os normativos existentes.
In 2015 and 2019, Brazil was the stage of two major social-environmental tragedies: The break of Fundão dam, considered the largest socio-environmental tragedy in the country, which in addition to leaving 19 dead, offered a legacy of destruction of local flora and fauna, as well as irreparable damage to the national cultural heritage; and three years later, the rupture of Brumadinho dam, which this time victimized 270 people, aside from material, social and environmental damage. From these two events, this paper aims to analyze the effectiveness of the Brazilian legal system, by addressing civil liability, in the context of collective proceedings, of companies that practice serious violations of human rights, in order to verify if effective legal mechanisms have been created to redress the damages resulting from of the rupture of the dams located in Mariana and Brumadinho. Therefore, the research method used was through the analysis of the main civil claims filed for the recovery of social and environmental damages, from a qualitative approach, and for data collection were used books, scientific articles, normative instruments, journalistic articles and jurisprudential research. Based on the researched material, it was possible to conclude that the Brazilian State has great difficulties to hold agents responsible for socio-environmental crimes, so that, besides the absence of effective consolidated laws that discipline the relationship between business and human rights, the judiciary is inefficient in applying existing regulations.
In 2015 and 2019, Brazil was the stage of two major social-environmental tragedies: The break of Fundão dam, considered the largest socio-environmental tragedy in the country, which in addition to leaving 19 dead, offered a legacy of destruction of local flora and fauna, as well as irreparable damage to the national cultural heritage; and three years later, the rupture of Brumadinho dam, which this time victimized 270 people, aside from material, social and environmental damage. From these two events, this paper aims to analyze the effectiveness of the Brazilian legal system, by addressing civil liability, in the context of collective proceedings, of companies that practice serious violations of human rights, in order to verify if effective legal mechanisms have been created to redress the damages resulting from of the rupture of the dams located in Mariana and Brumadinho. Therefore, the research method used was through the analysis of the main civil claims filed for the recovery of social and environmental damages, from a qualitative approach, and for data collection were used books, scientific articles, normative instruments, journalistic articles and jurisprudential research. Based on the researched material, it was possible to conclude that the Brazilian State has great difficulties to hold agents responsible for socio-environmental crimes, so that, besides the absence of effective consolidated laws that discipline the relationship between business and human rights, the judiciary is inefficient in applying existing regulations.
business and human rights , mining. , dam disruptions , socio-environmental impacts , accountability , direitos humanos e empresas , mineração , rompimentos de barragens , Iimpactos socioambientais , responsabilização