A cobertura jornalística do caso Evandro (1992): a influência do jornalismo local no entendimento do caso
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Costa, Bianca Nascimento
Santoro, André Cioli Taborda
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Este trabalho apresenta o caso do assassinato do menino Evandro Ramos Caetano,
que aconteceu em no ano de 1992, na cidade Guaratuba, no Paraná, suas
repercussões reviravoltas do caso, além de apresentar uma análise da cobertura
jornalística realizada por veículos de imprensa local na época do crime. Sete
pessoas foram acusadas e, cinco destas, condenadas pelo assassinato do garoto
de 6 anos de idade. O caso ficou popularmente conhecido como “As bruxas de
Guaratuba” pelo seu suposto envolvimento com magia negra. Somente em 2018,
quando o jornalista Ivan Mizanzuk começou a lançar os primeiros episódios de seu
podcast “Projeto Humanos: O Caso Evandro”, que a conclusão das investigações
começou a ser questionada, até que autor do podcast teve acesso a fitas de áudio
que comprovaram que os sete acusados foram torturados pela polícia militar para
confessarem seus envolvimentos com o crime. Em 2023 a descoberta dessas fitas
foi acabou, por fim, alterando a conclusão do caso e pondo um ponto final nas
acusações. A análise das matérias de jornal realizada se baseia nos preceitos éticos
na profissão e em estudos a respeitos do sensacionalismo e do jornalismo policial.
Também foi feita uma apresentação do podcast de Ivan e dos elementos e
ferramentas jornalísticas utilizadas em seu desenvolvimento.
This work presents the case of the murder of the boy Evandro Ramos Caetano, which took place in 1992, in the city of Guaratuba, in Paraná, its repercussions and twists in the case, in addition to presenting an analysis of the journalistic coverage carried out by local press at the time of the crime. Seven people were charged, and five of them were convicted of the murder of the 6-year-old boy. The case became popularly known as “The Witches of Guaratuba” due to its alleged involvement with black magic. It was only in 2018, when the journalist Ivan Mizanzuk began releasing the first episodes of his podcast “Projeto Humanos: O Caso Evandro”, that doubts started to emerge regarding the conclusion of the investigations, until the podcast's author had access to audio tapes that proved that the seven accused were tortured by the military police to confess their involvement in the crime. In 2023, the revelation of these tapes ultimately altered the case's conclusion and put an end to the accusations. The analysis of newspaper articles carried out is based on ethical precepts of the profession and studies regarding sensationalism and police journalism. Additionally, there was a presentation of Ivan's podcast and an exploration of the journalistic elements and tools employed in its development.
This work presents the case of the murder of the boy Evandro Ramos Caetano, which took place in 1992, in the city of Guaratuba, in Paraná, its repercussions and twists in the case, in addition to presenting an analysis of the journalistic coverage carried out by local press at the time of the crime. Seven people were charged, and five of them were convicted of the murder of the 6-year-old boy. The case became popularly known as “The Witches of Guaratuba” due to its alleged involvement with black magic. It was only in 2018, when the journalist Ivan Mizanzuk began releasing the first episodes of his podcast “Projeto Humanos: O Caso Evandro”, that doubts started to emerge regarding the conclusion of the investigations, until the podcast's author had access to audio tapes that proved that the seven accused were tortured by the military police to confess their involvement in the crime. In 2023, the revelation of these tapes ultimately altered the case's conclusion and put an end to the accusations. The analysis of newspaper articles carried out is based on ethical precepts of the profession and studies regarding sensationalism and police journalism. Additionally, there was a presentation of Ivan's podcast and an exploration of the journalistic elements and tools employed in its development.
Trabalho aprovado com o conceito EXCELENTE.
Caso Evandro , Jornalismo Policial , Podcast